Your Invited, Oh God… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Your Invited, Oh God…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Sometimes we just need to close ourselves in and hear a word from God. God has a plan. Sometimes it is in the difficulties we discover more of the plan. As we open our hearts to him, he gives us more of his heart.

This morning as I read about all that is going on in our nation and nations of the world, I ask him once again to visit us with power. He told us in Joel 2:28 in the last days he would pour out his spirit on all flesh. I believe an awakening has started, but he desires to be invited in. Have you ever been to a service where it was all planned out, no room for anything different? What if God himself wanted to change the order? Do we allow him?

When was the last time you invited him into your day? When was the last time you invited him into your plans that he could interrupt? Let’s tell him he is invited. Amen? Amen.

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for another beautiful day. We invite you to journey every moment with us today. We don’t want to begin our day without you.

Father, we pray Psalm 59:16 today: We will sing of your strength, in the morning we will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.

Father, thank you for putting a song in our heart today. Give us eyes to see you working and ears to hear what the spirit of God is saying. Thank you for visiting our nation to the nations of the world. We praise your Holy name. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Invite him to continue to direct our days and order our footsteps, according to his will.


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