November 18, 2020
Today’s Daily Devotional
’And to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels.”
Are you troubled today? Listen: “And you who are troubled rest with us.” That is, be at ease. Quit your worry. It is not over yet. The story of our age remains unfinished. If you are troubled, you need not be disturbed. “Rest with us.”
You say, “Pastor, it’s so dark.” Yes, it’s gloriously dark, because the darkest hour of the night is just before sunrise. Our hope is not in politics, sociology, or science. The only sure hope for our world is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. And when He’s revealed, He will be revealed as the Lord Jesus. Today He is despised, rejected, mocked. But He is coming as Lord, to be glorified and admired.
If you are unsaved, if you’re not one of His saints, His coming will strike stark terror in your heart. But if you are saved, you’re going to say, “Glory to the Lamb. Isn’t He beautiful?” Say this aloud if you can say it and mean it: “Lord Jesus.” The Lord Jesus is coming.
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Exodus 20:13
Exodus 20:13 reveals the sixth commandment: “You shall not murder.” Life is God’s wonderful gift that we might choose to enjoy. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals three ways our families can choose life in the face of death and deception.
A Gallup poll found that 72% of the American people believe in Heaven, 60% believe in Hell, and only 4% think they are going to Hell. That leaves a vast majority believing they’re going to Heaven, but as the old Gospel song says, “Everybody talkin’ ’bout heav’n ain’t goin’ there.” Read more about Heaven in this article.
Whatever Christmas looks like for you this year, we hope you’ll experience the love of Jesus Christ in a profound way. Love Worth Finding invites you to Experience Christmas in many ways with us this Christmas. Learn more!
We have put together our very own list of Christmas gift ideas that might be useful as you prepare for giving this season! We’ve gathered our favorite books from Adrian Rogers & some of our newest products that make great gifts. Don’t miss the 10% discount for online purchases of $50 or more on these select products.