If your brain feels foggy and you’re tired all the time, you’re not alone, start your day with Jesus!


Many folks are tired, for sure, it has been a very, very tough time for so many, if not all opf us. I suggest a walk or run everyday, and get out and soak in the fresh air and sun. Daisy, our doggy, take a run in the park almost everyday and Sharon joins us on her days off. If you are not able to walk much, our neighbor sits in his wheelchair outside to get fresh air and sunshine. The best way to start our day is the reading of God’s Word and prayer, seek the face of Jesus. I always pray with Sharon at the start of the day. I also suggest starting off your day with a solid, healthy breakfast! No junk food! No booze at all! You are what you eat! I also suggest a good multi-vitamin. My Chiropractor has me taking Emergen-C and my Doctor has me talking Omega-D3 EPA/DHA with Astaxanthin and Vitamin D3. I will be 65 on July 4th and God has me in the best health I have ever been in! I am getting ready to play softball this again year, I have been playing for over 20 years here in Albuquerque!

In my family life and in ministry here at FGGAM, I have so many balls in the air, but God keeps me catching most of them!!! LOL! LOL! I do drop a few now and then! LOL!

From NPR:

If your brain feels foggy and you’re tired all the time, you’re not alone
The pandemic has done a number on us, in too many ways to count. Our bodies are responding with feelings of fatigue and lack of focus, experts say. Here are some tips to help you feel better.

Read in NPR: https://apple.news/AX8XuQI2-RtOHDXNjCqEL_g

Shared from Apple News

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