God’s Plans Never Fail


Do you ever look at your life and wonder, how did you end up where you are as it’s not quite like you imagined?

Perhaps there’s unfulfilled desires inside your heart. Or things on the bucket list that have not been marked off. And at this stage in life, you can no longer imagine how those aspirations will ever come to pass.

Well my friend, today I want to encourage you with these words … God’s plans never fail.

Let’s look at Psalm 37:4. It reads, “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart” (NKJV).

That doesn’t mean we get every fleeting desire that crosses our minds. But it does mean, when it is a God given desire, He will make sure you get it.

After Thanksgiving Day, we turn our focus to Christmas, and I love reading the Scriptures about the birth of Christ.

In Luke 1, we it starts off with the announcement of the birth of John, who is the forerunner of Christ. It was necessary for John to be born at this time.

The Lord chose Zacharias and Elizabeth to be John’s parents. “And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless. But they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren, and they were both well advanced in years.”

So here are godly people, living godly, upright lives, yet still had unfulfilled desires. There were faithful to serve the Lord, but still had no child due to Elizabeth’s barrenness. Not only that, but they were also “advanced in years,” meaning that they probably wrote off the dream of having a child as it’s just not going to happen for them.

It happens to all of us. The time on the clock just keeps on ticking and we don’t see how in our advanced years how a dream, a longing, a desire will ever come to pass.

But God! For Zacharias, the Lord sent an angel to announce John’s arrival and to explain how he is to live. “And Zacharias said to the angel, “How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is well advanced in years” (Luke 1:18).

In other words, Zacharias was thinking this is just too good to be true and that season of opportunity has gone!

So what happened next? The angel announced who he is. “I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and was sent to speak to you and bring you glad tidings. But behold, you will be mute and not able to speak until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words which will be fulfilled in their own time” (Luke 1:19-20).

Zacharias’ unbelief could not stop God’s plans. So, no matter where you are in life, advanced in years or young. Whether filled with belief or unbelief. If the Lord planted desires in your heart that are His purpose, trust Him to bring them to pass as they “will be fulfilled in their own time.”

God’s plans never fail!

© Shonda Savage Whitworth

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