My Prayer for the United States in 2022


From Adrian Rogers: When the child of God loves the Word of God and sees the Son of God, He is changed by the Spirit of God into the image of God for the Glory of God because he has found the truth of God.

Greg Stier wrote this precious prayer and it has been posted by CHURCHLEADERS! I wanted to share it with you all as it moved my spirit in such an awesome way! PTL!

Dear Father,

2021 was a tough year. We’ve lost friends, family, neighbors and co-workers to the pandemic. We’ve been eye-witnesses (and sometimes participants) in online battles between vaxxers and anti-vaxxers, between those who believe in masks and those who don’t, between the political left and the political right.

We’ve seen raging fires, crime-ridden cities, violent riots, angry racism, rampant homelessness and increasing hopelessness.

Prayer for the United States in 2022

Part of what God has given us to do here at FGGAM for Him, is to show the light of Jesus Christ to one person at a time. Time and time again overt the last 9 1/2 years I hear from people this statement, “It was a nice Church, but nobody ever became my friend, so I stopped going.” In this busy world we must stop and serve God and serve all people. So many feel forgotten by the Church. This past weekend I talked to many people who are hurting.. some of the replies were, “My Pastor and Church are to busy to help me.”…”My Church does not understand what I am going through.” We are in a time where one on one time is so very important. I have been spending much of my time on the phone with folks. So many need to know they count, that they are loved! I was taught to always put myself in the other persons shoes. It has meant that my cup has been drained almost everyday, but God, Sharon, Daisy and the kids fill it for me! This message by Mike Frost is excellent! I pray that it makes you think, as much in this world that is written and said does not!  It is beyond alarming that Church attendance is decaling in America. I encourage Pastors to reevaluate what they are doing. Put your congregation to work! Walk the streets of your community! It is called THE GREAT COMMISSION!

From Mike Frost for CHURCHLEADERS

I’ve lost count of the number of Christians who’ve told me they either stopped attending church or left their church to join another one because they couldn’t make any friends there.

They report that the church people were friendly enough. They were hospitable and welcoming.

As one person told me, “They’re nice to you, but no one becomes your friend.”

And it hurts when all that friendliness leads only to friendlessness.

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