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Dear Family of our =
Lord Jesus Christ,

I come to you this morn=
ing asking you to join us in prayer…………….
James 5:14-15 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for=
the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with o=
il in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who i=
s sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he wi=
ll be forgiven.
 The prayer of =
a righteous person has great power as it is working.

Let us pray over the following….=

Cathy Belanger who is having probl=
ems with the function of her hands. Please pray for healing. We pray for Go=
dly wisdom for the Doctor’s and nurses as they diagnose Cathy’s situation.

This morning we also pray for Robin White, who since co-authorin=
g  a book on healing with John Taylor. she has been attacked by s=
atan and is having health problems. We pray for Godly wisdom for the Doctor=
‘s and nurses as they treat Robin.

For Jolene who is having extreme bone pain from Chemo for breast=
cancer. We pray healing over Jolene, peace and comfort, and the strength t=
hat only Jesus Christ can give.

For Becky Franks, the lovely wife of Pastor Ray Franks. Becky wa=
s having breathing problems yesterday and has a lung infection. W=
e pray for healing of Becky’s lungs and peace and strength and also strengt=
h for Pastor Ray……..and rest for both.

We pray all this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN!&nbs=


Prayer is the essence =
of the Spiritual life without which all ministry loses its meaning. It is t=
he fulfillment of the great commandment to love the Lord with all our heart=
, all our soul and all our mind=E2=80=A6..To pray is to unite ourselves wit=
h Jesus and lift up the whole world through Him to God in a cry of forgiven=
ess, reconciliation, healing, and mercy=E2=80=A6.Most of all, prayer is the=
way to become and remain part of Jesus mission to draw all people to the i=
ntimacy of God=E2=80=99s love.=E2=80=9D by Henri Nouwen, The Only Necessary=
Thing: Living a Prayerful Life
Please also join us at=
the Prayer Wall at www.fggam.org for more p=
rayer needs.

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