There are families, individuals, schools, neighborhoods, and businesses


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Dear Family of our =
Lord Jesus Christ,

Thank you for stopping by for a CUP of encouragement!

I want to share with you this day more than ever, that God speaks to me=
in my sleep, God show’s me things. This started years ago but is now =
increasing.Sharon says of late I have been in such a deep, de=
ep sleep at night. It is the peace of the Lord. What the Lord is =
telling me is to be obedient, be absolutely obedient. The ot=
her thing He is stressing to me is to keep walking for Him, keep on the pat=
h I have put before 
you, says the Lord. H=
e also is bringing me and Pastor Paul Holt closer together to be =
watchman on the wall for Him and bringing our wives with us in do=
ing this work. I am seeing right before my eye’s much of the results&n=
bsp;of the Lord’s work. I am trying not to get in the way! In this CUP I ha=
ve posted on standing in the gap for God, please read it.

PS If I could bottle it….I would give everyone a bot=
tle, but it can be found in your Bible! 

Sharon and h=
it the road at 430 
Sunday to head down t=
o First Baptist Church in Magdalena to join in on the Sunrise service with =
Pastor Paul Holt Praise be to God a great time of worship and praise Amen!!=
Love all the folks in Magdalena!!! By the way if you were not able to wors=
yesterday listen to Pastor Paul’s Re=
surrection Sunday message at 
g an Awesome message you will be blessed!! For God=
s Glory Alone!!!!
 By the way Pastor=
Paul whipped up a mean batch of pancakes afterwards! WOW!

March 25, 2013. You received a new heart and a new spirit. Moreover, I put my Spirit in yo=
u, enabling you to do what I command. You are not who you once were. All th=
ings have changed. I have given you a fresh start with no history for you s=
ince the exchange of hearts took place and you received the Spirit. There i=
s nothing from your past to hold you back. Your future is as bright as the =
noon day sun. I have plans to bless you and not to hinder you in any way.

Ezekiel 36:26-27 (MSG) “I’ll give=
you a new heart, put a new spirit in you. I’ll remove the stone heart from=
your body and replace it with a heart that’s God-willed, not self-willed.”=
 Ras Robinson

April 1, 2013. Have you ever wondered why you have th=
e confidence you possess? It is because Christ in you has become your rock =
foundation which cannot be moved. Additionally, He is your fortress, the st=
rong tower you can turn to and depend upon. All you are now doing is being =
done at His command to you. Obedience is your key to continued success. Act=
ually, your success is because He is leading and guiding you. You are in a =
most favored position. Be very careful in this season. Keep Jesus as Lord.

Psalm 31:3 (NASB) “For You are my rock and my fortress; for Your name’s=
sake You will lead me and guide me.”  Ras Robinson

Yesterday Dave Ryan of the Magdalena First Baptist Church said,=
“I watch you every Saturday, you say things that nobody else on TV is sayi=
ng, a great program with Pastor Paul.”

Mabel Lopez, “You say things many Pastor’s are afraid to say.”

Pastor Mark Tross, “You say the things many people wish they co=
uld say.”

I do not boast in myself…I boast in our Lord for what He is d=
oing in my life, Sharon’s life and Pastor Paul and his wife Josie. The Lord=
continues to groom us for the mission He has us on to bring his truth forw=
ard and stand in the gap for Him.(LATTER ON IN THIS CUP I HAVE A WRITING ON=

I see the hunger in People’s&n=
bsp;eye’s for the truth, in 
their voices, in their actions. 


As =
we drink this CUP today I want to share this posting I got from The Navigat=
or’s. My Mom Ruth is in heaven, and many called her my Dad’s shadow. S=
he was right beside my Dad as Bus Supervisor back home and his 6 =
day a week job, and right beside him in his duties as Assn’t Fire Chief, Mo=
m also was head cook at Winfair School, took care of us 4 kid’s…….just =
a Godly example of her Biblical name, Ruth………


Big Doors Swing on=
Small Hinges

Mike Treneer, Internat=
ional President of The Navigators
we read the Old Testament, what is the hinge point that begins to turn peo=
ple back to God after the moral and spiritual decline of Judges so that we =
end up with Samuel and David and Solomon? It=E2=80=99s the story of two wom=
en, Ruth and Hannah. Their stories are the hinges upon which the mighty doo=
rs of God=E2=80=99s purposes swing.
I =
love the story of Ruth. Her story captures this wonderful quality of God: H=
e loves to work through ordinary people.
th was an ordinary person. An immigrant. A widow. A daughter-in-law. She wa=
s destitute. Her only means of support was the Old Testament equivalent of =
welfare. Maybe Ruth wasn=E2=80=99t an ordinary person; maybe she was sub-or=
dinary. And yet Ruth had extraordinary impact. She impacted her family. The=
talk in the community was that this widow, this immigrant, was better than=
seven sons. What a testimony!
t her influence did not stop there. Ruth is one of four women mentioned in =
the line of Christ. Is that not astounding? That=E2=80=99s why I love the s=
tory of Ruth.
g doors swing on small hinges, and that prevents any of us from crossing ou=
rselves off of God=E2=80=99s to-do list, from thinking that our lives don=
=E2=80=99t matter in the purposes of God. We must conclude that we serve, w=
e love, we trust an extraordinary God who delights in doing the most amazin=
g things through the most ordinary people.
I =
preach and teach much on standing in the gap for God and that is a must! I =
believe with my whole heart that is why God put me and Sharon, Paul and Jos=
ie together here at FGGAM, to stand in the gap for Him at this time.
ank the Lord for my Mom Ruth! I am looking at her picture right now!
e message you just read about Ruth, fit’s this next message…..just read i=
t and pray over all you have drank this morning here at the CUP! AMEN!&nbsp=
Stand In The Gap?
bsp;       Ezekiel catalogs the sins of the p=
eople of God in this chapter. The two main groups of people that are guilty=
of gross sins are theProphets/Priests (Gods leaders) (vs.=
25, 26, 28), and the princes (political leaders – v. 27).=
With these three powerful groups opposing God it is no wonder the rest of =
the people of the land had followed them into the ways of sin.
nbsp;      The sin of the people had gotten so bad=
that God had begun to SEEK out a person who would intercede for the land, =
but He found none (v. 30). Because God found no one to stand in the gap, He=
must go on with His plan to punish the people (v. 31).
Our =
gap is the same today=E2=80=A6
I.    God=E2=80=99s PLAN / =
=E2=80=94 A Man (=E2=80=9CI sought for A MAN..=E2=80=9D).=
God=E2=80=99s plan has always been men! E.M. Bounds said, =E2=80=9CMen loo=
k for better methods=E2=80=A6 God is looking for better MEN!=E2=80=9D
sp; God is looking down from heaven=E2=80=A6 He is looking all over the wor=
ld=E2=80=A6 He is looking up and down the pews of this church=E2=80=A6 SEEK=
ING a man / woman to stand in the gap!
1.   Isaiah 6:8 =E2=80=93 Also I heard the voice of the=
     Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will=
go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.
      2. Queen Esther stood in the gap!&=
nbsp; At the
   risk of her life, she stood be=
tween her people
   Haman=E2=80=99s plot to destro=
y them.
  3. Consider Abraham=E2=80=99s plea t=
o God for 10
   righteous people in Sodom=
 that it might be
      4. When Israel murmured against Mo=
  God told Moses, =E2=80=9CGet=
you up from among this
  congregation, that I may consume =
them as in
  a moment.=E2=80=9D  Moses told Aaron to quickly go
  out with a censer and make atonement for the
  people because of God=E2=80=99s wrat=
h. Aaron when
  out and the Bible says, =E2=
=80=9CHe stood between
  the dead and the living; and the =
plague was
=E2=80=99s stand in the gap!
=C2=B7      Between Good and Evil=E2=80=94Psa 94:16    Who will rise up for me against the evil=
doers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquit=
=C2=B7       Betwe=
en Idleness and action
=C2=B7       Betwe=
en the Living and the Dead
=C2=B7       Betwe=
en Instruction and Ignorance
=C2=B7       Betwe=
en Intercession and         &n=
bsp; Indifference
sp; That is where God wants us today! He wants individuals
1.   Individuals who will make themselves   =
 available (Moses, Isaiah).
nbsp;   2.   Individuals who will make a difference.
II.   God=E2=80=99s PLACE =E2=80=94 A Gap (=E2=80=9C=E2=80=A6that should make up the hedge, and=
stand in the gap before me for the land=E2=80=A6=E2=80=9D
        A =E2=
=80=9Cgap=E2=80=9D is a break or breach. The w=
ord =E2=80=9Cgap=E2=80=9D only occurs twice in the Bible=E2=80=94Both times=
in Ezekiel (13:5; 22:30).  Each time it has to do with a breach in a =
hedge or barrier.
A =
hedge (wall) was a protective thing in the Bible. We have fences around our=
yards to protect our children. It keeps them IN and away from harmful elem=
ents and keeps bad things out of our yards. If there is a gap, either our c=
hildren can get out, or harm can get in.
bsp;       A.  =E2=80=9C=E2=80=
=A6before ME=E2=80=A6=E2=80=9D
 =E2=80=93 As God=E2=80=99s represen=
sp; =E2=80=9Cfor THE LAND=E2=80=A6=E2=80=9D =E2=80=93 To t=
he world, our community, our homes, our schools, our neighborhood, our plac=
e of employment.
     1.   There are =E2=80=9Cgaps=E2=80=9D th=
at only you can fill. There are =E2=80=9Cgaps=E2=80=9D that only I can fill=
     2.   God is looking for a Christian wife=
to stand in the gap for her unsaved husband.
     3.   God is looking for a Christian teen=
ager to stand in gap at their school.
     4.   I praise God for my wife Sharon,=
Brother Paul and Sister Josie who are standing in the gap with me here at =
5. I praise God for those who are supporting =
FGGAM and standing in the gap with us, planting sees to bring forth excelle=
nt fruit for the Lord!

Over 2,500 people have visited the FGGAM web =
site since Feb. 1st. God has put u=
s in a position to bring the news to all through a Biblical lens and also a=
t this web site the encouragement people need in their daily walk with Jesu=
s Christ.
I want to encourage you to picture Jesus righ=
t beside you every moment of your day. He is their, grab His hand.

Standing in the gap! When=
we are on the radio like today at NOON on KADZ AM 730 we can see=
the hit’s increase to the FGGAM web site and also after the program. Peopl=
e are hungry for the truth, they want the truth, no matter what the se=
cular media says! We have tremendous viewership of our TV pr=
ogram on KAZQ CH 32 Saturdays at 6pm.
Lord, thank YOU for what =
YOU are doing! It is all about God and answering the call He has placed on =
you! When you answer His call, not yours, AWESOME things will happen for th=
e Kingdom! AMEN! It’s not us, it’s GOD! When you add all those folks going =
to the FGGAM web site and all those reading the Daily CUP it just blow=
‘s me away what God is doing! 
By the way you can listen=
to us on KDZA all over the world at
nbsp;and also on Sky Angel. Noon Monday’s.

We must Stand in the gap =
and be salt and Light to the World! AMEN! 

Board members of FGGAM concurred the other ni=
ght in our meeting at Cross of Hope, in saying that FGGAM has become a Chur=
ch without walls. AMEN!!!!!!
III.  God=E2=80=99s PURPOSE =
=E2=80=94 A Warning (=E2=80=9C=E2=80=A6that I should not destroy it=E2=
sp; When God was ready to destroy Israel at Mt. Sinai&n=
bsp;for their idolatry, Moses stood in the gap and interceded on their beha=
lf and they were spared.
sp; Broad is the way that leads to destruction (Mt. 7:13). The gap is large=
because the way is so broad.
        C. Hose=
a 4:6 =E2=80=93 My people are destroyed for lack o=
f knowledge…
bsp;    1.   Knowledge of the Gospel.
bsp;    2.   Knowledge of God=E2=80=99s commission=
IV.  God=E2=80=99s PAIN =E2=
=80=94 A Tragedy (=E2=80=9C=E2=80=A6but I found NONE.=E2=80=9D)
sp; NONE convicted enough to take the challenge of buildin=
g up God=E2=80=99s wall.
B.  NONE compassionate enough to care for =
ers in need of God.
C. NONE courageous enough to go against the flow of =
the crowd.
        D. NO=
NE consecrated enough to surrender their talents, time, an=
d treasures for God=E2=80=99s service.
Conc. We should stand =
in the gap because Jesus stood in the gap for us on C=
alvary=E2=80=99s cross!
=C2=B7       There=
are ministries with GAPS because of lack of workers.
=C2=B7       There=
are mission fields that need preachers.
=C2=B7       There=
are schools, neighborhoods, and businesses that need witnesses


We received this l=
etter last week from Attorney David Standrige:



I wanted to take =
a quick moment to drop you a note about some important things on my mind.&n=
bsp; I=E2=80=99ve known you for many years.  Our relationship began on=
a professional level but quickly turned to a friendship.  During that=
time I=E2=80=99ve seen you grow so much as a husband, Pastor, and leader.&=
nbsp; You=E2=80=99ve impacted our great State of NM in more ways than you w=
ill ever know.  During the years you=E2=80=99ve gone through your own =
personal trials, but each time have found triumph over the circumstances be=
cause of your faith.  None of us are perfect, but you=E2=80=99ve alway=
s done what you believe the Lord has called you to do.  I=E2=80=99ve s=
een you, on multiple occasions, ask the question =E2=80=9CWhat is the best =
Christian response to this situation.=E2=80=9D  That speaks volumes to=
me.  At times your attitude and life approach have inspired and convi=
cted me to live at a higher level.  Thank you for that example.

Now you are embar=
king in a great, timely crusade for the very heart of our state.  Whil=
e you continue in your ministry of Faith, Grace and Love of Jesus Christ, y=
ou are choosing to take a stand for principles and values that mark you in =
today=E2=80=99s society.  I find it very refreshing to see someone sta=
nd so strong for the values we cherish and I know others feel the same way.=
  I encourage those I come in contact with to support For God=E2=80=99=
s Glory Alone, through their prayers and finances.  I know that your w=
ork will only grow and strengthen our great state with the help of like min=
ded people unifying for the sake of our values.  I pray that people ar=
e moved to generously support your efforts at shining the light in New Mexi=
co.  Best wishes my friend for your continued success.  Know that=
you have a partner and friend in me!

For the firm,

A. Standridge

Managing Attorney

Justice Legal Group  

(505) 880-8737 – Phone

One of my favorit=
e Resurrection stories this year is a text from  Rick who months ago c=
ame into FGGAM and wanted to come back to the Lord. He and his wife went to=
Pastor Marty Coopers Church in Rio Rancho when I spoke, they bec=
ame members of the Church and now this past Sunday Rick tell’s me the whole=
family was reunited by going to Church this past Sunday! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!=

Click on the link below and enjoy!


“I See You” – Rich Mullins


For =
God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Fa=

us today! 

If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link-
 then scroll down the page to securely give =
. B=
e assured my friends, your gift&nbs=
p;will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry =
out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think =
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
ve to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to

If you do not wish to be on this email list please =
kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at 
 – we will take you off this email list asa=

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