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Lord Jesus Christ,
ing by for a CUP!
moving me into FGGAM is my marriage to Sharon is even stronger! This new r=
oad has brought us closer together, our love is stronger. It was very stron=
g before FGGAM, but now more than ever. The Lord is using the talents of Sh=
aron in many ways. She is now being offered to go out and speak nationally.=
We pray for the Lord’s Will to be done. The main thing for us is to do the=
Lord’s Will. This new work the Lord has us doing has helped me counsel peo=
ple, it has become part of my testimony. We both are walking=
this earth for our Jesus! We bear much more fruit when we are =
igned with God, His Word, wife =
or husband and family. You cannot have that out of order and be fully =
aligned wi=
th God. For some of my days I
believe I had my life out of alignment……I had God, then my radio station work… times ahead of=
Sharon and the kid’s. I love my wife and kid’s and doggies dearly! Sharon =
is blooming like a red rose! The kid’s are all doing awesome! I think we so=
metimes “think” we have our life in order, when we really don’t.
me in my walk with Jesus Christ is to learn the ways of our Lord everyday!=
To absorb His greatness! To be more Christ like! I pray you are taking tim=
e each morning to be with our Lord and His Word! You need at least an hour =
a day, just to be with Him! It is your most important relationship! During =
this time when you tune into God’s frequency He will talk to you! You will hear from God =
on how to go about your days! AMEN!
m Cooke
=E2=80=8E”It is important to face everything with courage, otherwise=
circumstances will intimidate us into giving up and not pressing through. =
Confident people go out to meet life rather than waiting for it to come to =
her, and all live for Christ.”
William Randolph Hearst, the great publisher, read about a painting =
and became greatly interested in it. Desperately desiring to own this paint=
ing, he sent his people all over to try to locate this painting but they co=
uldn=E2=80=99t find it anywhere.
A year later, out of the blue, one of his employees came to him and told hi=
m that the painting had at last been found. Hearst, excited about the disco=
very, asked where it had been all this time. His employee said, =E2=80=9CIt=
was in your basement. You=E2=80=99ve owned it all the time.=E2=80=9D
Mr. Hearst had never read the ledger that had a record of everything he own=
ed. He did not understand the wealth that he already possessed. Many believ=
ers operate their lives never fully understanding all of the blessing that =
is available to them in Christ. Never forget that as a follower of Jesus Ch=
rist, you have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies=
. Live in the light of that truth.
yesterday on compassion and t=
eamwork she was approached my a national company to speak to their employee=
s around the country if you are interested your church or business just mes=
sage me her husband does some speaking to lol lol
d that the cancer has spread. Please pray for healing.
n-law, Tita, her blood pressure has been very high.
ing our news coverage at Lord =
willing Pastor Paul will begin his video newscasts on Friday. Keep us in yo=
ur prayers.The newscast will be on our web site. Paul has worked=
hard to get to this point. FGGAM now has our own video and audio studio in=
Magdalena, Paul’s home. It is so AWESOME in our LORD what HE is doing here=
at FGGAM. Pastor Ray Franks of KAZQ TV told me yesterday that Dewey and Fr=
iends has become one of the stations most popular programs! The radio progr=
am that Paul and I do on KDAZ Radio on Mondays at Noon, has gon=
e over very well according to Annette Garcia. Vice Chairman of FGGAM Pastor=
Bill Ruhl has a new podcast up on our web site. What God has done in bring=
ing people together For HIS Glory Alone, is so AWESOME! We are all here for=
God’s Glory Alone! The LORD showed me months ago that the web site was to =
encourage people in HIM and also to keep giving people the news they n=
eed to know in their daily walk with HIM! We give PRAISE and THANKS to=
our LORD for what HE is doing! Let our lights shine for HIM more brightly =
this day!
Glory of God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oming a partner of FGGAM. We now have it set up on our web site where you c=
an do monthly giving, or a one time gift. We are praying for more monthly p=
artners to fill in the gap. Thank you so much for praying about standi=
ng in the gap with us. ;
he Lord to have Monica Ruhl with us! Monica is a gifted teacher! She is the=
lovely wife of our Vice Chairman Pastor Bill Ruhl, who by the way is about=
to embark on a ministry trip to India. Please keep him in your prayers.
;referred to Watchman Nee’s book, Spiritual Authority, Monica teaches =
from that today……….PRAISE GOD!
go, based in part on her reading of Watchman Nee’s “Spiritual Authority” Pa=
stor Bill.
Principle: Principle of Spirit=E2=80=94life in the Spirit=E2=80=
=B7 Our =E2=80=9Cspir=
itual development=E2=80=9D is directly related to following and obeying God=
. If we love God we will sincerely desire and embrace His =
instructions=E2=80=94the words of Life/Truth.
=B7 The most =E2=80=
=9Cintelligent=E2=80=9D life we can have is an =E2=80=9CObedient Life In Th=
e Spirit=E2=80=9D! Here, God is growing (increasing) our Spirit-=
man, in a Believer, through the ministry work of the Holy Spirit while at t=
he same time decreasing our old nature (self-will/rule). He is e=
xchanging and imparting the nature of Christ (new creation, born again, Spi=
rit-man) for the fallen sinful nature of man. And in this He is =
restoring His government/rule/will/authority in the heart of man through th=
e Blood-covenant, Melchizedek our High Priest. We have been purc=
hased by the precious Blood of Jesus! The exchange of His govern=
ment for our government is so that His will (authority) can be established =
on earth as it is in heaven through the Seed of Christ in us, the hope of g=
=B7 Hearing the initi=
atives of the Holy Spirit directs our life in the right way. We =
both learn and grow under the governmental counsels of His wise instruction=
s/Word/Will throughout our life as we stay committed to CHRIST as both =
;Savior and Lord.
=B7 Life in the Spiri=
t has everything to do with the Seed of Christ, not the seed of man. &=
nbsp;We cannot =E2=80=9Creason=E2=80=9D with the natural mind and expect to=
understand God=E2=80=99s ways. His ways are clearly higher than=
our ways. Therefore, our spiritual senses have to be =E2=80=9Ct=
rained=E2=80=9D (disciplined) to =E2=80=9Cobey=E2=80=9D the Lord. &nbs=
p;We must recognize that natural reasoning of the mind is something we inhe=
rited from =E2=80=9Cthe tree of the knowledge of good and evil=E2=80=9D whi=
ch is an affront (insult) to God. That is to say that our natura=
l minds are an enemy of God. As we choose to follow and obey the=
Lord through the life-walk of the Spirit, the root supply to the tree of k=
nowledge of good and evil (human thought reasoning) is severed from having =
power in us. We are therefore exchanging our (natural) minds for=
the (supernatural) Mind of Christ. There is =E2=80=9Cfull deliv=
erance=E2=80=9D when we no longer think independently of Christ.  =
;Here our souls become an unbroken habitation in Him and we are wholly obed=
ient to Christ. (see 2 Cor. 10:4-6)  =
=B7 All rebellion (ac=
ts of disobedience in thought, word and/or action) has to do with areas in =
our soul that has not yet been transformed-transfigured in Light. Diso=
bedience is the mark of darkness ruling that keeps us from Truth=E2=80=94th=
e Virtue of Life.
=B7 Humbling ourselve=
s is the first step to moving toward obedience. In all sense of =
the word, humility acknowledges God IS God! He is al=
l power and all authority. Humility makes a way for our hearts to be e=
nlarged so that we may =E2=80=9Cknow=E2=80=9D God=E2=80=99s ways. &nbs=
p;The bigger we are the smaller God is. The Bigger God is the sm=
aller we are. (Principle of humility)
=B7 Obedience makes =
=E2=80=9Croom=E2=80=9D for God. Every act of obedience gives pla=
ce for God to reign in us. This being His ultimate goal=E2=80=94=
to reign in the hearts of the sons of the Son of God (sons of obedience!).&=
nbsp; We have been =E2=80=9Cborn from above=E2=80=9D for the purpose o=
f doing the Will of the Father! =E2=80=9CThy Kingdom come, thy w=
ill be done!=E2=80=9D Our destiny is to bring the Father=E2=80=
=99s =E2=80=9Cwill=E2=80=9D to earth and Jesus showed us this way. &nb=
sp;Life in the Spirit is all about Christ/obedience. Clearly we =
can see the direct relationship that the less we walk in the way of the Spi=
rit the less we complete our destiny (book) from Heavens perspective. =
There is only one destiny=E2=80=A6GOD! He is the plan, He =
is the purpose, He is the way, He is the Truth, He is the Light, He is the =
Life=E2=80=A6He is to become the house of Revelation in our souls from whic=
h our Bread is to do the will of the Father.
o-equal; the Lord Jesus Christ was made =E2=80=9CLord=E2=80=9D only after H=
e emptied Himself. His deity derives from who He is, for His bei=
ng God is His inherent nature. His being Lord, though, issues ou=
t of what He has done. He was exalted and rewarded by God to be =
Lord only after He forsook His glory and maintained the perfect role of OBE=
DIENCE unto the Father. As regards Himself, Jesus is God; as reg=
ards reward, Jesus is Lord. Note that His Lordship did not exist=
originally in the Godhead.
in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your example in humility:]&n=
form of God [possessing the fullness of the attributes which make God God]=
, did not think this equality with God was a thing to be eagerly grasped or=
gnity], so as to assume the guise of a servant (slave), in that He became l=
ike men and was born a human being.
humbled Himself [still further]and carried His obedience to the extreme =
of death, even the death of the cross!
alted Him and has freely bestowed on Him the name that is above every name,=
bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
wledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
ut to the goal, and fully complete) your own salvation with reverence and a=
we and trembling (self-distrust, with serious caution, tenderness of consci=
ence, watchfulness against temptation, timidly shrinking from whatever migh=
t offend God and discredit the name of Christ).=
while effectually at work in you [energizing and creating in you the power=
and desire], both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfacti=
on and delight.
mplaining [against God] and questioning and doubting [among yourselves],=
ess, innocent and uncontaminated, children of God without blemish (faultles=
s, unrebukable) in the midst of a crooked and wicked generation [spirituall=
y perverted and perverse], among whom you are seen as bright lights (stars =
or beacons shining out clearly) in the [dark] world,
n the Godhead. God conceived a plan to create the universe. =
; In that plan the Godhead agreed to have authority represented by the=
Father. But authority cannot be established in the universe wit=
hout OBEDIENCE, since it cannot exist alone. God must therefore =
find obedience in the universe. Two living beings were to be cre=
ated: angels (spirits) and men (living souls). According to His =
foreknowledge God foresaw the =E2=80=9Crebellion=E2=80=9D of the angels and=
the fall of men; hence He was unable to establish His authority in angels =
or in the Adamic race. Consequently, within the Godhead perfect =
accord was reached that authority would be answered by OBEDIENCE IN=
THE SON. From this come the distinctive operations of God the Fat=
her and God the Son. One day God the Son emptied Himself, and be=
ing born in the likeness of men He became the symbol of OBEDIENCE. &nb=
sp;Inasmuch as rebellion came from created beings, so obedience must now be=
established in a created being. Man sinned and rebelled; theref=
ore the authority of God must be erected on man=E2=80=99s obedience. &=
nbsp;This explains why the Lord came to the world and was made as one of th=
e created men.
p;Instead of remaining as God with authority He came to man=E2=80=99s side,=
accepting all the limitations of man and taking the form of a SLAVE. =
He braved the possible peril of not being able to return with glory.&=
nbsp; Should He have become disobedient on earth as a man, He would ha=
ve still been able to reclaim His place in the Godhead by asserting His ori=
ginal authority; but if so, He would have forever broken down the PRINCIPLE=
ey absolutely and unreservedly as man, establishing the authority of God in=
all things on all occasions without the slightest hint of rebellion; thus,=
step by step through obedience to God, He would be made Lord over all.&nbs=
p; The other way would be to force His way back by reclaiming and usin=
g the authority and power and glory of His deity because of having found ob=
edience impossible through the weakness and limitation of human flesh.
nbsp;walked humbly in the way of obedience=E2=80=94even unto death.&=
nbsp; Once having emptied Himself, He refused to fill Himself again.&n=
bsp; He never took such an ambiguous course. Had the Lord f=
ailed in the way of obedience after having relinquished His divine glory an=
d authority and taken the form of a slave, He would have never again return=
ed with glory. Only by the way of obedience as man did He go bac=
k. Thus it was that He returned on the basis of perfect and sing=
ular obedience. Though suffering was added upon suffering, He di=
splayed absolute obedience, without ever the slightest tinge of resistance =
or rebellion.
e returned to glory. It was not He who filled Himself up with th=
at which He had once emptied Himself of; rather, it was God the Father.&nbs=
ORY. And so God the Son is now also become Jesus the Man in His =
return to glory. For this reason, the name Jesus is most precious; the=
re is no one in the universe like Him. When on the cross he shouted&nb=
sp;=E2=80=9CIt is finished!=E2=80=9D, it proclaimed not only the acc=
omplishment of salvation but also the fulfillment of all that His name sign=
ifies. Therefore, He has obtained a name which is above every na=
me, and at His name every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess tha=
t Jesus is Lord. Henceforward, He is Lord as well as God. &=
nbsp;His being Lord speaks of His relationship with God, how He has been re=
warded by God. His being Christ reveals His relationship with th=
e church.
end to return on the basis of His divine attributes; on the contrary, He de=
sired to be exalted as a man. In this manner, God has affirmed H=
is PRINCIPLE OF OBEDIENCE. How necessary it is that we be wholly=
obedient without even the faintest trace of =E2=80=9Crebellion=E2=80=9D.&n=
bsp; The Son returned to heaven as a man; He was exalted by God after =
he was obedient in the likeness of men. Let us face this great m=
ystery of the Bible. In bidding farewell to the glory and clothi=
ng Himself with human flesh, the Lord determined not to return by virtue of=
His divine attributes. And because He never gave the slightest =
appearance of disobedience, He was exalted by God on the ground of His huma=
nity. The Lord set aside His glory when He came; but when He ret=
urned, He not only regained that glory but received even further glory.
sp;Let us all walk in the way of the Lord and =E2=80=9Cattain to obedience=
=E2=80=9D by making the principle of obedience our own principle. &nbs=
p;Let us be subject to one another. Once having seen this princi=
ple we will have no trouble discerning that no sin is more serious than reb=
ellion and nothing is more important than obedience. ONLY IN THE PRINC=
nce through what He suffered.=E2=80=9D Suffering called forth obedience fro=
m the Lord. Please note here that He did not bring obedience to =
this earth; He learned it=E2=80=94and He did so through suffering.
ch obedience is real. Our usefulness is not determined by whethe=
r or not we have suffered, but by how much obedience we have learned throug=
h a particular trial, in having our hearts softened (pliable) so that we be=
come useful to God.
;If we seek only joy, our spiritual possessions will not be rich; but those=
who are obedient will experience the abundance of salvation. Le=
t us not change the nature of salvation. Let us obey=E2=80=94for=
our Lord Jesus, having been made perfect through obedience, has become the=
source of our eternal salvation. GOD SAVES US THAT WE MAY OB=
EY HIS WILL! The Lord has given this life of obedience to us=
an Nee, =E2=80=9CSpiritual Authority=E2=80=9D
Sons of Light! Those who have been discipled by the =
LORD will be released as Apostles (sent ones) in the Apostolic movement tha=
t is coming=E2=80=A6the government of God, the Melchizedek Priesthood! =
;~monica =
For God’s Glory Alone in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon an=
d Family
us today!
If you would like to support the muc=
h needed work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
ies, Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a financial gift. You can securely give =
;by clicking on this link-
then scroll down the page to securely give =
through PayPal=
. B=
e assured my friends, your gift&nbs=
p;will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry =
out in His Holy Name.
Thank you,
Dewey Moede
If you have friends or family you think =
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
ve to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to
kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at radi= – we will take you off this email list asa=