God has given you and me everything we need for life


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Dear Family of our =
Lord Jesus Christ,

May God Bless you and yours forever and ever! Thanks for coming by =
for a CUP!

Our prayer this day is that this CUP will help lift you up further =
in our LORD! AMEN!

I posted this picture last night on facebook!
We’re calling it a day here at FGGAM sweet dreams everyon=
e! God Bless

Know the wisdom and purpose of Gods great hand upon you=

;www.fggam.org for encouragement and the news you=
need to know………..

I shared with you yesterday about the visit Sharon and I had at Victory =
Love Church in Grants. I have to tell you that visit still sticks with me a=
s there was so much freedom, in the Lord in that church, where one is able =
to express themselves fully in the Lord. I reached a new level in my Preach=
ing and Teaching that day as the Lord lifted me so high! Sharon is 
blooming like so many&nbs=
roses  She is getting r=
eady to make a 
Presentation again t=
. Please pray=
for her. We
 to help you, encourage you, to fully express what the L=
ord has done and is doing in your life! Did you read that quote above?&nbsp=

Know the wisdom and =
purpose of Gods great hand upon you
, that is from Smith Wigglesworth. You all are being so suppo=
rtive of our efforts here at FGGAM! Yesterday I got a gift in the mail from=
a former classmate of mine from Windom, Sonja! She lives in Arizona and ha=
s shared here on the CUP! It has been wonderful reconnecting with her and s=
everal folks from my hometown. Sonja knows I love Smith Wiggelsworth and pu=
t one of his devotional books in the mail to me. Sonja also sow’s seeds int=
o this ministry. Long time friend Wanell Pate also keeps me in Sm=
ith Wigglesworth reading material. All of you reading this CUP are loved by=
us so much! We know you all support us in prayer! You all are a Barnabas t=
o us! I 
love what Pastor Alan Hawkins said,”&nbsp=
If your comfort =
level is unstretchable then beware of Jesus
.” AMEN AMEN! Let Jesus stretch you, let Him raise you to new heights for Him! Can you imagine if everyone here&nbsp=
reading this CUP would let their light=
shine for Jesus Christ brighter than ever today???!!!??? 

Let me share with you a letter =
from Pastor Mark Tross……….

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sp;   March 10, 2013 

To My Brothers & Sisters In Christ,
;    Yesterday, Pastor Dewey Moede and his lovely wife, Shar=
on, of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries, joined us at Victory Church Of God=
in Grants, NM, for our Sunday Service, our Second Sunday Pot Luck Luncheon=
and Men’s & Women’s Ministries followed, with Dewey ministering to the=
men and Sharon ministering to the women.  These two are not only grea=
t individuals In Jesus, show the true purpose of marriage, as explained in =
Ephesians, but are a dynamic team to have at any church, non-profit, outrea=
ch or men’s or women’s ministry event.


have known Dewey personally for seven years now, worked with him five days=
a week at KKIM Radio in Albuquerque, been a frequent guest on his Dewey &a=
mp; Friends television program on KAZQ-TV32 in Albuquerque and both seen an=
d joined him in different ministry settings, such as revivals, fund raisers=
and more.  One thing I can say about Dewey is, he’s consistent, as a =
man of prayer, worship, the fellowship of the saints, has a heart for the t=
hings of God and is obedient to the gift and call that He has placed on his=
life, to preach, teach, heal, seek and save the lost, shining his light in=
to the darkness, in everything from one on one ministry to taking the love =
of God and the Good News of Jesus to all nations, peoples, tribes and tongu=

       Desiring to bring unity to the body of Christ, e=
quip the saints for service in the Kingdom of God and to fulfill the great =
commission, Dewey and Sharon Moede come highly recommended by me and all wh=
o have ever known or met them, so may I strongly suggest that you and all w=
ho read this will prayerfully consider having them come to speak and minist=
er at any event The Lord would call you and your ministry to.

Thanks and Blessi=

Pastor Mark Tross
ctory Church Of God

222 East Monroe Ave.Grants, NM 87020

We give all Glory to God! We thank 
Pastor Mark for having us! We have open dates and if yo=
u would like to have us come and Preach and Teach let us know!

Yesterday we did our radio program on KDAZ AM 7=
30 here in Albuquerque. My partner Pastor Paul Holt and I were so blessed t=
o be on the air, 
bringing God’s =
people the news they need to know! Over on the web site www.fggam.org we give you the news you need to know in your dai=
ly walk with Jesus Christ and Godly encouragement! We have added several co=
ntributors to the web site, longtime 
 Karen Rowe from Efland, NC who has writt=
en many CUPS for me and of course Karen has been on radio with me many time=
s, she is an 
Evangelist and Auth=
or, Darlene Quiring is such a Godly writer from Mt. Lake, Minn and has been=
contributing to the CUP and now will also add to our web site. We are also=
so blessed to have S.E. Coleman with us, S.E. has been on radio with me se=
veral times, is a missionary traveling the world for Jesus Christ. S.E. is =
based here in Albuquerque. I read a sign on a Church the other day that sai=
d “God wants a team, not a fan club!” AMEN! God wants a team and I see Him =
doing that here at FGGAM! A team that gives it all for God! A team that&nbs=
p;shines their=
light to a dark world! It’s all about God, all about God! all about God=
! It’s not about us! No EGO’s allowed! EGO stands for Edging God out! I do =
not have time for Ego’s, I have time for people that are For God’s Glory Al=
one! AMEN!!!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday when I=
Preached I went into every pew, to every person and told them, “God has gi=
ven you everything you need! Everything! 2 Peter 1:3 His 
power has given us everything we need for life and godliness thr=
ough our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. We need to share this with the world for God’s Glory Alon=
e! AMEN!

Let me go to =
verse 4. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises=
, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape =
the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

You see, all =
the answers we need for our lives are in God’s Word! Amen, and we=
need to share God’s Word with the World, being the Light, being Salt and L=

One other thing we do here at FGGAM for God’s =
Glory Alone is help people find 
work. Let us p=
ray for Rick this day that he get’s a job! Rick reports that his lovely wif=
e Sandy is doing much better!

Dewey, May GOD Bless you a=
nd your work every second of every day…   I love you my brother=
…   Sandy is doing much much better this morning and is actuall=
y going to work this morning…   She slept most of the day yesterday =
once we got her home and once again, PRAYER works !!!   Daughter =
is dropping me off this morning and Sandy is going to make it a short day s=
o she can pick me up…
Looking forward t=
o meeting Larry tomorrow afternoon…   He obviously thinks a lot=
of you; (which is perfectly understandable) !!!!!!

U and yours are constantly in my prayers…

God B=
less you Rick! 

n and I pray that this CUP has been encouraging to you! We pray that you wi=
ll share this CUP with the World! From your home or office, when you share =
this CUP you are fulfilling the Great Commission! You are being Salt and Li=
ght to the World! AMEN! 

March 12, 2013.&nbsp=
;Anchor yourself in the Lord and you cannot drift away. Your salvation is s=
ure because of God’s promise and oath freely made on your behalf. These are=
the anchors of your soul, your eternal hope. This gives a confidence that =
cannot be shaken regardless of sickness, tragedy, disappointments, pestilen=
ce or death. Your hope is steadfast because God never breaks a promise. You=
can count on that! With these promises in place, you may go beyond the vei=
l into His inner sanctuary every day of your life forever. You are covered =
by His eternal covenant with you. Your enemies are His enemies. Your warfar=
e is His warfare. He always wins and so will you. Stay anchored always beca=
use of his promise and oath. He has done it all for you.
Hebrews 6:18-19 (NLT) “So God has=
given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable bec=
ause it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him fo=
r refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before =
us. This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us=
through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.”  Ras Robinso=

For God’s Glory Alone in =
the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family

us today! 


If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link- http://www.fggam.org/donate.html=
 then scroll down the page to securely give =
. Be assured my =
 your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think =
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
ve to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to radiodewey@aol.co=

If you do not wish to be on this email list please =
kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at 
 – we will take you off this email list asa=

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