Today In History; January 5



Good Morning & God Bless To Everyone !!!

Today is January 5, the 5th day of 2014 and there are 360 days left this year where it is another blessed day to be here in the work for our Lord at:

For God’s Glory Alone Ministries !!!

It is a burr chilly day here in Albuquerque this morning but we’ve still got it awfully good as compared to the majority of the country despite our complaints! This morning at 5:00 a.m. we’re looking at 10 warm degrees outside but a slight wind has us down to a windchill of 1. At the height of the day they say we’ll reach a high in the upper 30’s under a partly cloudy sky. Just a little chillier than our record high in the low 60’s just yesterday! Still, for us here, it’s a beautiful day while I do have to send my sympathy’s to those suffering in the coldest weather they’ve had in over 20 to 30 years going to temperatures in the minus 20’s/30’s before factoring in the wind chill. Now that’s COLD!

We continue to ask for prayers over our Pastor Dewey’s little boy Reno who is still recovering from his surgery. According to the veterinary surgeon, it will take him a good three to four weeks to fully recover/heal from the surgery but the reports are good. As always, it’s actually much easier for the patient than it is the caretaker watching over their loved one. With Pastor Dewey’s GIANT heart, he worries for his boy constantly despite Reno gaining more strength each day. Continued prayers also please for Pastor Franks from KAZQ Channel 32 as he continues his fight with a nasty infection. We actually need to put out a prayer for all our Pastor’s and spiritual leaders today who guide us through our daily teachings in the Lord’s word. In times such as they are today, there are constant requests for guidance and help keeping them extremely busy, driving many of them to the point of exhaustion.

So, What Happened Today In 1933:

Construction Begins & ‘The Golden Gate Bridge’ Is Borngolden gate bridge construction

On January 5, 1933, construction begins on the Golden Gate Bridge, as workers began excavating 3.25 million cubic feet of dirt for the structure’s huge anchorages.

Following the Gold Rush boom that began in 1849, speculators realized the land north of San Francisco Bay would increase in value in direct proportion to its accessibility to the city. Soon, a plan was hatched to build a bridge that would span the Golden Gate, a narrow, 400-foot deep strait that serves as the mouth of the San Francisco Bay, connecting the San Francisco Peninsula with the southern end of Marin County.

Although the idea went back as far as 1869, the proposal took root in 1916. A former engineering student, James Wilkins, working as a journalist with the San Francisco Bulletin, called for a suspension bridge with a center span of 3,000 feet, nearly twice the length of any in existence. Wilkins’ idea was estimated to cost an astounding $100 million. So, San Francisco’s city engineer, Michael M. O’Shaughnessy (he’s also credited with coming up with the name Golden Gate Bridge), began asking bridge engineers whether they could do it for less.

Engineer and poet Joseph Strauss, a 5-foot tall Cincinnati-born Chicagoan, said he could.

Eventually, O’Shaughnessy & Strauss concluded they could build a pure suspension bridge within a practical range of $25-30 million with a main span at least 4,000 feet. The construction plan still faced opposition, including litigation, from many sources. By the time most of the obstacles were cleared, the Great Depression of 1929 had begun, limiting financing options, so officials convinced voters to support $35 million in bonded indebtedness, citing the jobs that would be created for the project. However, the bonds couldn’t be sold until 1932, when San-Francisco based Bank of America agreed to buy the entire project in order to help the local economy.

The Golden Gate Bridge officially opened on May 27, 1937, the longest bridge span in the world at the time. The first public crossing had taken place the day before, when 200,000 people walked, ran & even roller skated over the new bridge.

With its tall towers & famous red paint job, the bridge quickly became a famous American landmark, & a symbol of San Francisco.

Other Memorable Or Interesting Events Occurring On January 5 In History:

1643 – In the 1st record of a legal divorce in the American colonies, Anne Clarke in Massachusetts Bay Colony is granted a divorce from absent & adulterous husband Denis Clarke by the Quarter Court of Boston Massachusetts;

1781 – American traitor & British Brigadier General Benedict Arnold enjoys his greatest success as a British commander when he captures & destroys Richmond Virginia. After the war Arnold failed at establishing a business in Canada & London England. He died a pauper in 1801 & lays buried at St. Mary’s Church in Middlesex London England;

1825 – 23-year-old writer, Alexandre Dumas, fights his 1st pistol duel. He sustains no serious injury although his pants fell down in the fight. He’ll later fill his romantic works, including “The Three Musketeers” with duels, battles & daring escapades;

1836 – Davy Crockett arrives in Texas just in time for the Battle of the Alamo;

1846 – Boldly reversing its long-standing policy of “free & open” occupation in the disputed Oregon Territory, the U.S. House of Representatives passes a resolution calling for an end to British-American sharing of the region. The United States, one congressman asserted, had “the right of our manifest destiny to spread over our whole continent.”;

1861 – During the Civil War, the ‘Star of the West’, a Union merchant vessel, leaves New York with supplies & 250 troops to relieve the beleaguered Fort Sumter at Charleston South Carolina;

1895 – French officer Alfred Dreyfus, condemned for passing military secrets to the Germans, is stripped of his rank in a humiliating public ceremony in the courtyard of Paris’ Ecole Militaire. The Jewish artillery captain, convicted on flimsy evidence in a highly irregular trial, began his life sentence on the notorious Devil’s Island Prison in French Guyana four months later;

1903 – San Francisco to Hawaii telegraph cable opens for public use;

1914 – Henry Ford astounds the world announcing he’ll raise his minimum wage from $2.40 a day for a 9 hour day to $5.00 a day for an 8 hour day and will also share $10 million in previous years profits with his employees;

1916 – In the 3rd year of WWI, British Prime Minister Herbert Asquith introduces the 1st military conscription bill in the country’s history to the House of Commons;

1920 – GOP women demand equal representation at the Republican National Convention in June;

1925 – Nellie Tayloe Ross of Wyoming is sworn in as the 1st female governor in the United States;

1945 – Towards the end of WWII, Japanese pilots received the first order to become kamikaze, meaning “divine wind” in Japanese. The suicidal blitz of the kamikazes revealed Japan’s desperation in the final months of World War II. Most of Japan’s top pilots were dead, but youngsters needed little training to take planes full of explosives & crash them into ships. At Okinawa, they sank 30 ships & killed almost 5,000 Americans;

1945 – In WWII on the eve of a major offensive into Poland, the Soviet Union decides to recognize the pro-Soviet Lublin Committee as the Provisional Government of Poland instead of the government-in-exile that was temporarily being headquartered in London;

1951 – Inchon South Korea, the sight of General MacArthur’s amphibious flanking maneuver, is abandoned by United Nations forces in the face of the advancing Chinese Army;

1957 – In response to the increasingly tense situation in the Middle East, President Dwight D Eisenhower delivers a proposal to Congress that calls for a new & more proactive U.S. policy in the region. The “Eisenhower Doctrine,” as the proposal soon came to be known, established the Middle East as a Cold War battlefield;

1959 – “BOZO The Clown”, a live children’s show debuts on television;

1967 – In the Vietnamese War, the 1st Battalion, 9th U.S. Marines & South Vietnamese Marine Brigade Force Bravo conduct amphibious operations in the Kien Hoa Province in the Mekong Delta, located 62 miles south of Saigon. This action, part of Operation Deckhouse V, marked the first time that U.S. combat troops were used in the Mekong Delta. The target area, called the Thanh Phu Secret Zone by the Viet Cong guerrillas, was believed to contain communist ammunition dumps, ordinance and engineering workshops, hospitals, & indoctrination centers. During the course of the operation, which lasted until January 15, seven U.S. Marines and 21 Viet Cong were killed;

1968 – U.S. forces in Vietnam launch Operation Niagara I to locate enemy units around the Marine Base at Khe Sanh;

1970 – The bodies of dissident union leader Jock Yablonski, his wife, & daughter are discovered in their Clarksville, Pennsylvania farmhouse by Yablonski’s son Kenneth. The family had been dead for nearly a week, killed on New Year’s Eve by killers hired by the United Mine Workers (UMW) union leadership. Yablonski’s murder eventually brought down the whole union leadership & ended the widespread corruption of the union under UMW President Tony Boyle;

1972 – President Richard Nixon signs a bill authorizing $5.5 million in funding launching the space shuttle program;

1976 – Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot announces a new constitution changing the name of Cambodia to Kampuchea & legalizing its Communist government. During the next three years his brutal regime sent the nation back to the Middle Ages & was responsible for the deaths of an estimated 1 to 2 million Cambodians;

1982 – An Arkansas Federal judge voids state law requiring balanced classroom treatment of evolution & creationism;

1982 – A series of landslides near San Francisco California kills 33 people & closes the Golden Gate Bridge. In all, an amazing 18,000 different landslides took place in the San Francisco Bay Area following a very heavy rain storm;

1994 – Former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Thomas P. Tip O’Neill dies in Boston at the age of 81;

2005 – Eris, the largest known Dwarf Planet in the solar system is discovered in images taken October 21 2003 at Palomar Observatory in San Diego County California;

2012 – President Obama announces plans to very dramatically cut defense spending;

2013 – It was one year ago today!

Now, Off To The Fun Stuff:

Today’s Word Of The Day:

Ecclesiastic – is a person inside a religious order. The adjective, on other other hand, is ecclesiastical.

Today’s Christian Music Video:

In Jesus Name –

Today’s I’m Too Big Little Doggie:

I Don’t Want To See The Doctor Daddy:no vet doggie

Today’s Crazy Law:

In Idaho – You may not fish on a camel’s back. (Beats me!)

Today’s Crazy ?:

If you dig a hole through the center of the earth, come out on the other side, and then let go, would you be falling down or floating up?

Today’s Friendship Thought:friendship

Today’s Cutest Faces Picture:cutest faces

Today’s Funny Sign:funny sign 7

Today’s Patriotic Quote:

Robert A. Heinlein“Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes. Of all the so-called natural human rights that have ever been invented, liberty is least likely to be cheap and is never free of cost.”   – Robert A. Heinlein

Today’s Prayer:

Almighty and compassionate Father, as I embrace this New Year, help my eyes see what your heart sees. Teach me to hate sin and to be merciful to all who need mercy. Teach me to know truth and act fairly, while hating abuse and exploitation. Through your Spirit, stir me to reflect on the great distance between your holy majesty and my inconsistent character. Make me wholly your child, I pray, in Jesus name. Amen.

Today’s Christian Thought:funny sign 2

Until Tomorrow – GOD BLESS TO EVERYONE !!!

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Rick Stambaugh
After serving in the United States Navy for 22 years I retired from the service late in 1991. Having always loved the southwest, shortly after retiring, I moved to the Albuquerque area where I have resided since. Initially I worked as a contractor for approximately 6 years doing cable construction work. That becoming a little dangerous, at an elevated age, I moved into the retail store management environment managing convenience stores for roughly 16 years. With several disabilities, I am now fully retired and am getting more involved with helping Pastor Dewey & Pastor Paul with their operations at FGGAM which pleases my heart greatly as it truly is - "For God's Glory Alone". I met my precious wife Sandy here in Albuquerque and we have been extremely happily married for 18 years and I am the very proud father to Sandy's wonderful children, Tiana, our daughter, Ryan & Ross, our two sons, and proud grandparents to 5 wonderful grandchildren. We attend Christ Full Deliverance Ministries in Rio Rancho which is lead by Pastor's Marty & Paulette Cooper along with Elder Mable Lopez as regular members. Most of my time is now spent split between my family, my church & helping the Pastors by writing here on the FGGAM website and doing everything I can to support this fantastic ministry in the service of our Lord. Praise to GOD & GOD Bless to ALL! UPDATED 2021: Rick and Sandy moved to Florida a few years ago. We adore them and we pray for Rick as he misses Sandy so very, very much!

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