Adoption and the Image of God


Very timely message from David Barry at CHURCHLEADERS!

When I was in my early 20s, I met a college friend of my parents for the first time. After a short conversation, she smiled and commented, “You’re just like your dad!” She wasn’t just referring to my appearance, but to my personality, mannerisms, and demeanor. She was talking about what I was like. I took it as a complimentMy dad had passed away several years before, so it was especially gratifying to have someone recognize him in me. I love my dad and am thrilled to reflect something of him. That’s one way that love works. There’s something built-in and natural where children should be pleased to reflect their parents and where parents delight in passing on their likeness to their children.

Sadly, my wife and I are in a position where we may never enjoy that feeling.

Adoption and the Image of God

Secret Shame


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