For God’s Glory Alone MinistRIES FGGAMTen years ago the Lord birthed For God’s Glory Alone Ministries (FGGAM) in the heart of Dewey Moede to bring the news from a biblical perspective and travel the nation as a circuit preacher, bringing the Good News of Jesus to both the Body of Christ and those who have yet to know the Lord.Ten years. Ten, a significant number in scripture. It signifies authority, completeness of order, and responsibility. In these ten years FGGAM has brought forth the authoritative Word of God through an impressive trove of contributing writers, enhanced by Dewey’s insight into past and present events throughout the world and especially pertaining to the Church at large. The daily prayers, blogs, narratives, and commentary certainly strive to bring about a completeness of order in understanding the Word by its context, conversation, and content. Dewey models a high degree of responsibility to insure every article presented and every ministry opportunity he facilitates mirrors the heart of God.Over this past decade thousands have been touched by the love of Christ through Dewey’s personal ministry at churches, secular events, conferences, hospital visits, and memorial services. Dewey expressed these thoughts several years back and his words continue to ring true today:“We boast in our Lord for what He has done and is doing…….. Therefore, as it is written: ‘Let him who boasts boast in the Lord.’ (1 Cor. 1:31) My life verse is……..’My life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus.’(Acts 20:24) That also preaches to me in everything I do, unless people have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, they will never know what they were to do with their life! Amen! This ministry is operated out of my office at home.”
FGGAM’s website and social media blogs have recorded millions of viewers yearly, from all around the world. For God’s Glory Alone Ministries has a ten year mission banner that exemplifies this: Shining the Light of Jesus to One person at a time For God’s Glory Alone for 10 years! We look forward to another decade of service ahead and pray that FGGAM will continue to shine forth throughout the nations of the world as a bright beacon of hope!I have been blessed to serve along side Dewey as part of the FGGAM advisory board of directors during these ten years of outreach. I encourage each of you to make a Ten Year Anniversary donation to honor the work of this ministry and in appreciation for what this ministry has meant to you. Donate to FGGAM, Be a Kingdom Keeper in MinistryBlessings. Pastor Bill Ruhl – Vice Chair FGGAM and Founder Global Destiny Ministry
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