Thankful For Each Other… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Thankful For Each Other…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning.  I visited a Christian School to interview a few students a couple of years ago for my weekly broadcast Destiny Moments. I can tell you for sure it was always a Destiny Moment for me when I walked in the doors of this school. My heart skipped a few beats as I interviewed these dear students. They are so thankful for everything. Thankful for God, family, friends, dogs, horses, and food. Thankful for each other, teachers, and the list continued on. One set of twins I interviewed, the young boy (well actually he told me he was seven years of age) said he was taller than his sister and one minute older. I laughed and inquired of his sister if that was ok and she said, oh yeah, I weigh more. They were so cute and so funny. Oh, the plan ahead for their lives.

They shared with me about their chapel time. The journal they keep and the scriptures they read was a highlight. The worship and learning to hear from God Himself another plus they shared from attending this school. Oh, the innocence of children.

One young girl was thankful for her father. Her biological dad had passed away from cancer and it was a difficult time in her life. Her mom re-married and now she was thankful for her new blended family and the dad God provided her. She said her new dad stepped right up to the plate to take care of her. Her thankfulness brought tears to my eyes of how much we take for granted.

They all talked very freely about their faith in God. They were confident in knowing Jesus and wished all the listeners were thankful. They were such a blessing to me personally and I’m sure they will be a blessing to the listeners.

After the kids left, I glanced up in the office where I was interviewing. There was a sign that caught my attention for a second glance. It read Apologizing…Does not always mean that you are wrong and the other person is right. It just means that you value your relationships more than your ego. I spoke to woman in the office about the saying. She said it was just amazing to watch as these children used this principle in their lives. We sure can learn from them, can’t we?

I walked away from the school once again thanking the Lord for the opportunity he has given me to interview for the radio. I replayed the interview of thankfulness in my mind all the way home as I prayed for these dear kids. Oh, the innocence of children and their thankful hearts.

Today, let’s find a few things to be thankful for. Let’s put aside any ego and be thankful for the people he has put in our lives. What we may be taking for granted today could easily be gone tomorrow. Value relationships above being right and leave the results to God Himself.

As we begin to prepare for the day let’s remember to reach beyond our own and bless another. Whatever that day will look like for each of us, I don’t know. I pray it is the richest blessing we have ever known.

If you don’t know Christ, today would be a good day to join His family. Read the book of John in your Bible and read it again and make a decision to be a follower of Jesus Christ. It will be the best decision you will ever make. Today, talk to the creator of the universe and don’t miss your Destiny Moment.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

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