Fully Satisfied in Jesus


December 13, 2022
Today’s Daily Devotional


“For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness.”


You can have programs at church that will get people to come. You can get them there with fun, dinners, plays, and programs, but if that is all you give them, and you don’t give them Jesus, then you have missed the whole thing. What you catch them with is what you have to keep them with. There are different platforms for preaching the Gospel, but there is no substitute for the Gospel. Christ came as the Bread of Life, that people might be saved. They must be born again. So many churches are missing this today. Jesus is our spiritual bread.

Men are searching everywhere for satisfaction. They’ll never find it until they find it in the Lord Jesus. What did God create you for? You may think, “God created me to serve Him.” But if He only wanted someone to serve Him, He’d get somebody a lot better than you or I. He could get angels. God made you to love Him. That’s what you were made for—to know Him and to love Him. God made a bird to fly in the sky and a fish to swim in the sea. God made you to know Him, to love Him, and to worship Him, and until you do, you’ll be like a bird in the sea or a fish in the air; you’ll be out of your element. “In Him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28a).

  • Who do you know who lives a life that is satisfied in Jesus? How does that testimony shine through that person?
  • If God has made you to know Him and to love Him, how can you make these things more of a priority in your life?


Write out your normal routine. Now write another routine where knowing and loving God would be the top priority. Note what is similar and what is different.

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