Lawsuit Filed Against New Mexico End-of-Life Options Act, New Mexico Is Far From Being a Biblcial Model


New Mexico is covered by a very dark cloud of death. The governor says she is going to build a 10 million dollar abortion factory in Las Cruces! Call it like it is! The voters just reelected her and she did make any doubt about your stance on killing babies through abortion. What that tells me is that the majority of people here in New Mexico favor killing God’s babies. I hear crickets from many pastors on this issue. New Mexico is a state of death. What will it take to wake up New Mexico? The GOP candidate for governor Ronchetti could not defeat Lujan Grisham, what does that tell you? Think about it! New Mexico is far from a being a Biblcial model. What do you say pastors? Do I need to say that Albuquerque has the highest murder rate in the cities history? Such a thick cloud of death.

Please email me if your pastor speaks out against the killing of God’s babies and assisted suicide:

There now has been a lawsuit filed against New Mexico’s end-of-life options act. Here is what ‘Got Questions’ has to say about the culture of death in America.

We live in what is sometimes described as a “culture of death.” Abortion on demand has been practiced for decades. Now some are seriously proposing infanticide. And euthanasia is promoted as a viable means of solving various social and financial problems. This focus on death as an answer to the world’s problems is a total reversal of the biblical model. Death is an enemy (1 Corinthians 15:26). Life is a sacred gift from God (Genesis 2:7). When given the choice between life and death, God told Israel to “choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:19). Euthanasia spurns the gift and embraces the curse.

The overriding truth that God is sovereign drives us to the conclusion that euthanasia and assisted suicide are wrong. We know that physical death is inevitable for us mortals.  More Here

Lawsuit filed against New Mexico End-of-Life Options Act


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