In search of the perfect president: What if you could pick a president to order? What Americans say they want


What do you think? What do you look for in a President? I found this research very interesting. Thank you USA TODAY! I find in my travels people are fed up with both parties, they both have to many crooks and looney tunes. First of all, America needs JESUS! If I could choose a President for our country, I would pick South Dakota Governor Kristie Noem! Study her life! She produces much fruit! South Dakota is booming, she is a Christian! Governor Noem brings people together! More Here

USA TODAY REPORTS: David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk Political Research Center states, “Unfortunately, the presidential election of 2024 currently has no declared ideal candidates,” he said, and neither President Joe Biden nor former president Donald Trump is a neat match to the description. In the poll, he notes, “Over 6 in 10 say they don’t want Trump or Biden to run in 2024.”

In search of the perfect president: What Americans say they want, from age to gender

This is why we are in such bad shape as a nation! America is a lawless country!

From Dr. Jim Denison:

According to a recent survey, 52 percent of American adults believe that Jesus was a great teacher but nothing more. In their view, it is as mythical and irrational to claim that the Christ of Christmas is the Son of God as it is to claim that Santa visited my home last Saturday evening.

I believe I understand their reasoning:

One: Since 53 percent of Americans believe that the Bible “is not literally true,” they do not allow clear biblical claims for the divinity of Christ (cf. John 1:1Colossians 2:9Hebrews 1:3John 8:8) to change their minds.

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