Pastors enter public service to ‘be a light in our community’


I LOVE THIS STORY!!! PTL!!!!!!!!!! IT IS SO VERY TIMELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you a light in your community? Do you shine your light in the grocery store? Post Office? Doctors Office? On the road? Or are you to bashful? I attempt to fulfill my mission given to me by GOD, to shine His light to one person at a time, building bridges of love and trust!

MANSFIELD, Texas (BP) – Mayor and pastor Michael Evans developed a heart for public service when he was 8 years old.

Early each morning, after his mother and great-grandmother boarded the bus to work, he had to prepare breakfast, get his 3-year-old sister Michelle on the bus to preschool and walk himself the two miles to class without getting in trouble along the way, as he told it to Baptist Press.

Pastors enter public service to ‘be a light in our community’

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