We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament are the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God.
God’s Word is the final authority for faith and life.
We believe there is only one God, and He has chosen to reveal Himself
as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
– FGGAM is a nondenominational, nonpartisan, Independent ministry –

I smell POT!

I stand with God, not politics!

Do the folks at the New Mexico Capital think its okay to ‘goof off’ while the state burns down? We are being played like fools. I am sick and tired of being played! This nonsense about an ‘aroma bill’ is an insult to the intelligence of people in the state, The governor and legislators must think we are all just plain dumb. Aroma? I smell POT! How Pot Affects Your Mind and Body. This is why New Mexico ranks near or at the bottom as a place to live, never addressing its problems. Here is the list of how we stink as a state! I think so many people here in New Mexico are just numb to all this, its the way the state does its business, it never changes. WHERE ARE THE LEADERS IN NEW MEXICO????? THE DEMS AND GOP HAVE FAILED THE PEOPLE OF NEW MEXICO! I hold both parties responsible! The failure of the state has been going on for years and years. Many long-time residents tell me that the state has a legacy of FAILURE! New Mexico is still killing babies and expecting the blessings of God. New Mexico needs a Holy Spirit led Revival! Christians need to get on their knees and pray for a powerful movement of the Holy Spirit! Christians need to be the hands and feet of JESUS!

State aroma bill advances following lighthearted Senate debate

Look at what the Legislators are doing to God’s Babies!

“These bills, combined with the revelations from Project Veritas, prove that radical leftist lawmakers are trying to make New Mexico the next California,” said Elisa Martinez, Executive Director of the New Mexico Alliance for Life. “In an effort to profit off of the exploitation of our youth, New Mexico Lawmakers are ignoring the safety of our children. These bills are setting up New Mexico to become the premier abortion and gender affirming destination by targeting vulnerable children in schools and circumventing parental rights.”

WAKE UP PEOPLE! New Video Uncovers Albuquerque Public Schools’ Radical Gender Ideology


The people who pay taxes here, should be getting a hefty tax rebate with all that budget surplus!!! Property taxes must be frozen!! The state is taxing us to death. For a tax payer, the minority in this state, it is getting hard to live here. PNM rates get higher, gas bills are high…. people are getting poorer. I was told awhile back by a former State ep, that just 37% of New Mexicans pay income tax, the rest of the folks are on some kind of government assistance. Please correct me if I am wrong. If it were not for the federal government, the labs and military bases, the state would be dead. So the state legalizes pot????

What happened to Christianity in America? More Here

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