CALL TO PRAYER TEAM JESUS! Windom, Minnesota man’s legs amputated after grain bin accident

From Jasmine Muller: Trav went in for his 3rd surgery first thing this morning. They have the wounds cleaned out well, and no signs of infection at this time! They removed a lot of dead muscle and tissue in both legs. That is the main goal now is continuing surgeries to keep removing dead tissue until only healthy & thriving muscle and tissue is left, then at that point they can close his wounds but at this time the surgeon decided to continue to have both legs amputation sites open


Picture is of Travis Muller and his precious angel daughter.

I wept when I got a note about this horrible accident from my Windom, Minnesota classmate of 1974 Wayne Muller, Sharon and I pray and weep for Travis and his lovely wife and all the family. I grew up knowing the deep roots of the Muller family. By deep roots, I mean a wonderful Christian family that works very hard. It is easy to tell by Travis on his Facebook page that he loves snowmobiling and motorcycles! MOST OF ALL HE LOVES GOD AND FAMILY! I am very grateful Wayne contacted me.

Farming is a dangerous occupation. I grew up around my Grandpa Floyd and Grandma Lena’s Caraway’s farm south of Windom. Grandpa would not us little tikes get close to any equipment. My brother-in-law, Paul Rogers of Reading, Minnesota died in June of a farm accident. We are all hurting from that yet to this day. Please pray for my precious sister Deb and the girls, as they mourn the loss of Paul. It is very hard for them now.

I am asking all of TEAM JESUS to pray for Travis and his family at this time. We pray for healing and the peace of JESUS over this wonderful family.

Hi Dewey. I was wondering if you could say a prayer for my nephew Travis Muller. He had a horrific accident on the farm and got caught in an auger. He had to have both legs amputated. He one of the finest young Christian men ever. Thank you. Wayne Muller


From KSTP TV: On Sunday afternoon, around 3:05 p.m., the Cottonwood County Sheriff got a call about a farming accident about nine miles north of Windom.

Family members said via CaringBridge that the victim, Travis Muller, was cleaning out a grain bin when both of his legs got caught in an auger.  More Here

Travis’s wife Jasmine posted this latest update on CaringBridge:

Trav went in for his 3rd surgery first thing this morning. They have the wounds cleaned out well, and no signs of infection at this time! They removed a lot of dead muscle and tissue in both legs. That is the main goal now is continuing surgeries to keep removing dead tissue until only healthy & thriving muscle and tissue is left, then at that point they can close his wounds but at this time the surgeon decided to continue to have both legs amputation sites open. Next surgery most likely on Friday. They are still unsure if his right leg will remain below the knee amputation.. it may have to be higher to have a cleaner and better success rate for a prosthetic.
Trav did have a lot of pain after surgery today.. the most he has had since the first day of the accident but pain was managed this afternoon. He had his first meal for supper tonight, most likely feeding tube will come out tomorrow.
This evening Trav has been cracking jokes with anyone he can and making us all laugh! The nurses and doctors absolutely love him.
I asked if he wanted me to say anything specific on here and he said “tell them some of my jokes and that this no biggie. And thank you for everything”

He is finally resting. Prayers for good rest as he continues to heal. Thank you all so much❤️



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