Life Beyond the Planets


Scientists and scholars of the universe are always searching for proof of life on other planets.  I think we need to take our interest and research beyond the possibility of life on Mars or Venus, and concentrate on the reality of eternal life…in heaven.  We have enough ifs and maybes to fill a library.  It’s time to take our faith beyond believing and know for sure.

Most scientists have no problem agreeing that Jesus did exist, they just have difficulty believing He was who He claimed to be: the Son of God, sent to us in human form, not to condemn us for our sin, but to save us from it and offer us a promise of eternal life in heaven.

Scientific proof of Jesus’ life based on archaeological evidence does not exist…meaning they couldn’t dig anything up…the same as they have no records for 99.99% of the people in existence at that time. Most proof has been found in ancient writings discovered over the years.  Most important of all…and the only evidence we need is found in the Holy Bible.

The Gospels of, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are true eye-witness accounts of Jesus’ life and who He was.  Those who say the Bible is a myth or fairy tales have never experienced first-hand the joy that comes from knowing Jesus personally as He walks with us and talks with us every day.  With all the interest in the paranormal and spirits, why not learn about the Holy Spirit who can come into your heart and change your life for good.  He’s not scary… once you discover who He is.

The events taking place in Israel right now have. for many Christians, cemented the fact that we are living in the end times. If and unless we change the way we live and get back to being the God-fearing, Bible believing nation we once were, the last days most surely are not far away. Even when Jesus was alive, people asked Him for a sign.  They are all around us now.

Scientists and non-believers might mock us as in the days of Noah.  While he was busy building the ark and warning of the coming rain, non-believers were laughing at him and going about their everyday lives.  Like Noah, we must not listen to their voices of criticism and defeat, but look to God as our guide, pray for the lost that their ears and hearts might be open to hearing the good news of salvation… and most importantly… get our loved ones on board before it’s too late.

“Keep telling the story, be faithful and true.  Let others see Jesus in you!”

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