No One Shared the Gospel with Me

Keith Mathison: As Christians, one of our primary tasks is to share the good news with those who desperately need it, and who needs it more than those who are lost. In order to do this our attitudes need to be completely re-shaped and conformed to Christ. Rather than hate that lost person because he or she is doing what any biblically informed Christian should expect a totally depraved sinner to do, namely sin, we should pray for them. Show them the compassion and love of Christ. Tell them that life is not meaningless. Tell them that with Christ, there is light at the end of the tunnel, eternal light. We cannot simply assume that a lost person is a lost cause.


Plant those seeds folks……

Pastor Dewey Note: The main mission God has given me and Sharon over the years is to carry out The Great Commission. I have stated before not doing this, is the biggest failure of the American Church in the last two decades. Pastor Dom Kimbro, one of my main mentors, told be about 5 years ago this failure was going to more than catch up with the Church. Many Churches are not baptizing people. We plant seeds here at FGGAM. This past week we were in Colorado with family for Christmas. The Lord has enabled us to travel at times to see family and also at the same time share JESUS with all we meet! We did this at a Firestone store for two days, IHop, Hampton Inn for 5 days where we met Cory! I will post more on Cory later. As we ministered to the staff and guests, the love of Jesus was  received by all, none turned away. I read the other day that we all are to be missionaries, it does not cost us anything to share JESUS with everyone we meet. I also saw this quote: “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” Working for JESUS sets you more free than ever! On the way home we shared the love of JESUS wherever we stopped for gas and food. It is all about JESUS! NOT US!

This message is from Beautiful Christian Life

Written by Keith Mathison

You wake up in the morning, scratch your back and stretch. You grab some coffee and then sit down to read the news. The first story that catches your eye includes a photograph of people doing something that makes your blood boil. You grit your teeth and mutter something under your breath and then share the link with your friends on your favorite social media site with some choice comments.

You decide to go shopping. While walking through the local store, you see a group of teenagers. They are brash, loud, and obnoxious. Several of them have multiple tattoos and piercings. The band logos and art on their clothing are offensive to you. They cast a sneering glance at you as you walk by. You can feel your blood pressure rising. You pull out your phone and write a quick tweet about how much you dislike the younger generation. More Here

Who are you going to share JESUS with today?

Only if more Christians would spend less time on Facebook, and be out on the streets and byways sharing Jesus! Remember, for the most part on Facebook, you are preaching to the choir!  Remember, it is all about JESUS and all people, not yourself! GLORY!

We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament are the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God.
God’s Word is the final authority for faith and life.
We believe there is only one God, and He has chosen to reveal Himself
as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
– FGGAM is a nondenominational, nonpartisan, Independent ministry –

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