Let us be fruit trees for the Kingdom of God!


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Dear Family of our =
Lord Jesus Christ,

Thank you for stopp=
ing by for a CUP this Day!

Don’t forget we are=
on the Radio at Noon on KDAZ AM 730 or on line at =
www.am730cc.com Pastor Paul Holt and I bring you “This is the Worl=
d we live in”

Tonight at 8pm on K=
AZQ TV CH 32 www.kazq32.org I am the guest =
of Pastor Leonard Navarre on his program  “Your Bible Boost” 

God has the plan.=
Don’t go looking for the plan. Look for God. When you discover Him, you wi=
ll discover the plan for your life. Fulfill your calling.
For we do not have a High Priest who canno=
t sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, =
yet without sin. =E2=80=94Hebrews 4:15

Yesterday Sharon and I had such a blessed time =
of worship at Crestview Baptist Church in Albuquerque. We were greeted so w=
onderfully, it seems all the folks remembered us from our last visit. Many =
asked about FGGAM and wanted our brochure, the love expressed to us wa=
s so wonderful. I had prepared a message on Paul and his life and about how=
we need to be a Barnabas to others, lifting them up! Without Barnabas we m=
ay have never had Paul’s Ministry! I also shared how we all need to be frui=
t tree’s! The message that the Lord gave me tied right in with the testimon=
ials of the girls that were there from Teen Challenge New Mexico.=
These young women had been through hell but they have found Christ, just l=
ike Paul did. They shared their stories as Paul did all his life. They all =
are now producing fruit for the Kingdom……..they are fruit trees! We all=
need to be fruit trees producing awesome fruits for the Kingdom! Think of =
yourself as a fruit tree, and not one that produces rotten apples!! LOL LOL=
LOL! We all need to be like Barnabas and hold others up and pave the road =
for them to go forth! The folks at Crestview were like a Barnabas to S=
haron and myself, they held us up in love! 

I Preached on how how God made life simple for =
us to follow His way, to have a close personal relationship with =
Him so you can hear Him, so if He chewed gum you could tell me what flavor!=
Do not do or say anything without God telling you what to do or say! &nbsp=
;Make sure in everything you do it’s in alignment with God! You w=
ill know when you have a personal relationship with Him, He let’s you know!=
 We still will make mistakes, and sin, but we have our Lord and He wi=
ll forgive us as we repent and get back on the high road! I shared that Pau=
l knew hell, he sent Christians to their death, was struck down and blinded=
was risen up by God and saved and Paul met Barnabas and was on his way! So=
me of the most fired up people for Jesus Christ are people that h=
ave spent time in prison, as I shared that yesterday a young man =
sitting by himself began to weep in Church, The Lord had shown me that this=
man had tasted hell but was trying to get to the High Road! I went at sat =
with him as the Teen Challenge Girls sang to end the service=
and then Sharon and I sat by him at lunch. 

The best counseling for Marriages and other sit=
uations is: Stop the sinning, that is all! Stop the sinning! No drugs neede=
d for comfort, just stop the sinning. We can share this in love, the love o=
f Jesus, it does not have to be a hate message. Too much hate going around.=

The basics are having a CLOSE PERSONA=
L relationship with God, so close that you can hear Him, the Holy Spirit is=
your messenger and comforter. God has it all written out for us =
in His word. Know that Word, the bread of life.

I repeat: Do not say or do anything unless God =
says so. Do not sign that piece of paper, or do this or that, or =
go there,  unless God says so.

If you are not hearing from God, call me, it is=
because you are not close enough to Him! I will help you! I am closer than=
ever before to God as to He speaks to me constantly! I feel His =
presence with me at all times, however there are times when I am wore down =
and tired where I have to get refreshed so I can hear God again. It is=
important to get rest. Like on Saturday and Sunday I was just standing bac=
k at times realizing what God was doing as I showed up thinking many things=
, and then there was God setting the table for me. I still shake my head in=
amazement. God is working on things for you and me that we don’t even know=

Don’t get ahead of God! That is when we start t=
o cause problems, we get launched off before God says to! 
We have made life to complicated, let’s get bac=
k to the basic’s God and His Word.

Let us be a Barnabas to someone each day…….=
..Let us be a Fruit Tree that produces a bountiful crop for the Kingdom! Wh=
at kind of fruit have you been producing?

Do you pray constantly?

Do you hear from God?

Do you show the Love of Jesus to all?

Do you know how to help people hold themselves =
accountable with out being mean? 

Do you know how to keep yourself accountable?&n=

We thank Pastor Steve Freeman and his lovely wi=
fe Sue and all the folks at Crestview for having us. If you would like us t=
o come to your Church just drop me a line! We do travel out of st=
ate, if God call’s!!! LOL LOL LOL

I love my wife even more today than yesterday..=
…….she stand’s with me here at FGGAM, supporting me in everything she h=
as! We are fruit trees together!!!!! lol lol lol!!!! 

I am in love more today than yesterday with my Sharon my =
wife gives much of herself She has such a heart for people to encourage the=
m in our Lord She travels with me as much as she can She brings out the bes=
t in me much fruit for the Kingdom when husband and wife work together for =
the Lord thank You Lord for Sharon

Praying over the girls from Teen Challenge what a testimony,=
the message that the Lord gave me was the life of Paul who tasted hell and=
became the great Evangelist!!! And that we all need a Barnabas in our live=
s, without Barnabas we may not have had Paul’s Ministry be a Barn=
abas for someone today and all days Amen!!!

Getting many request for my ser=
mons to be posted, I am working on getting a mini recorder or some type of =
High-Tech device that is beyond me, to do this! LOL LOL! 
Jesus knows there is no simple =
=E2=80=9Crecipe=E2=80=9D to prevent the heartaches of life, so He entered i=
nto them with us. Will we trust Him with our tears and grief? =E2=80=94Bill=
When the trials of this life ma=
ke you weary
And your troubles seem too much to bear,
There=E2=80=99s a wonderful solace and comfort
In the silent communion of prayer. =E2=80=94Anon.
The Christ who died to give us life will ca=
rry us through its heartaches.
The Christian should resemble a fruit tree, not a Christmas tree. ~ John St=

Here is a lovely note f=
rom Kathy Garcia a Board member of FGGAM:
Hey Good Morning,

Just finished reading the Daily Cu=
p, it is always so inspirational and encouraging. I am so pleased to see al=
l the changes that are being made on FGGAM website and The Cup. I truly bel=
ieve God has taken your ministry to another level to reach people. I am ver=
y proud to know you and to have even a small part.

Thank you for being a Barnabas to us Kathy! We love you! Thanks to all who are supporting FGG=
AM as we go forth bringing the light of Jesus Christ to the world=
….one person at a time! 

Please be in prayer f=
or Ed Moore who undergoes quadruple heart bypass surgery Tuesday. Ed is my =
former boss at WFRN radio in South Bend/Elkhart, Indiana. He was and is a&n=
bsp;Barnabas in my life! AMEN! So is his lovely wife Jan who is not do=
ing well. Please keep Ed and Jan in your prayers, please pray for healing
! AMEN! 

Paul Dokken a supporter of FGGAM, such a w=
onderful brother in our Lord, shares this with us………
Stranded Cru=
ise Passengers Who Relied on God
Tiffany Jothen (Feb 22, 2013)
“The Bible studies were great. We did it for four days. =
=E2=80=A6 It put our minds and our hearts at ease. We felt peace the whole =
time. We knew that there was a Mighty Power out there that would get us hom=
e and keep us safe so we could get home and see our children.” -Joseph Alva=
Carnival cruise ship Triumph might have fallen short of its name when =
a fire left the vessel lifeless in the Gulf of Mexico, but many passengers =
indeed triumphed over the foul conditions that ensued, thanks in part to an=
impromptu Bible study that brought them closer to each other and closer to=
Joseph and Cecilia Alvarez were among the 4,000-plus passengers and cr=
ew who began the cruise on Feb. 7, with plans to return Monday, Feb. 11. Bu=
t early that Sunday morning, Joseph smelled smoke from the couple’s room on=
the first floor.
He heard people running down the hall and opened the door to see what =
was going on. That’s when he spotted firefighters.
“My wife said, ‘Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!'” he said. The pair quic=
kly made their way up a few floors.
An engine room fire soon left the 893-foot ship stranded i=
n the Gulf of Mexico, causing what would become nearly a four-day delay and=
leaving passengers with less than ideal accommodations. Cecilia could see =
nothing but water for miles and soon the questions began.

“What if I don’t go home?” she thought. “What if I don’t see my kids anymor=

The couple has four children, ages 10 to 16, who were staying with a n=
eighbor back home in San Antonio, Texas. They took the cruise to celebrate =
an early Valentine’s Day.
Cecilia kept thinking about one Bible verse, Joshua 1:9: “Hav=
e I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not b=
e discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Wouldn’t it be great, she thought, if she and Joseph could get togethe=
r with other Christians on the ship? If they could join other Believers to =
lift each other up? It wasn’t long after that they heard an announcement ov=
er the ship’s intercom; passengers were invited to join a Bible study on de=
It started out with about 25 people, Joseph said. They met on the uppe=
r deck running tracks.
“The Bible studies were great,” he said. “We did it for four days. . .=
. It put our minds and our hearts at ease. We felt peace the whole time. W=
e knew that there was a Mighty Power out there that would get us home and k=
eep us safe so we could get home and see our children.”

When it started getting windy and cold, the group moved to a dining room in=
side, adding another 20 or so passengers who couldn’t join them outdoors, s=
ome for mobility reasons.

Joseph himself called the steps on the ship “a killer.” He’s had seven=
back surgeries and was running out of his pain medication. Some of the peo=
ple in the Bible study prayed for him.
“Whenever two or more are gathered in His name, He’s there,” Joseph sa=
To pass the time, Joseph and his wife met other families, played games=
and swapped stories about their kids. The Bible study group, made up of al=
l ages and different denominations, kept them going and looking on the brig=
ht side.
Participants shared testimonies, prayed and sang songs like “Amazing G=
race,” “How Great is Our God” and a couple of songs in Spanish. They readPsalm 29:3=E2=80=94″the voice of the Lord is over the waters”=E2=80=
=94and Psalm 91about taking refuge in God.
“It uplifted them,” Joseph said. “You could see it. You could feel it.=
Cecilia took advantage of the Bible in their cabin and thanked God for=
His protection. She remembers one teen saying they were there for a reason=
“I have God in my heart always,” Cecilia said, “but this situation . .=
. I really appreciate and love God for what He has done for us.”

Their safe arrival home is just another example of God’s blessings, she sai=
d, and she has never been so happy to see land. She watched as the ship app=
roached Mobile, Alabama.

Back home, Cecilia sings in the choir at San Antonio Christian Church.=
Thursday, as the ship was pulled into port, she sang a different tune: “Sw=
eet Home Alabama.” The couple arrived home early Saturday morning.
“I hugged the children and hugged my bed,” Joseph said. “I even missed=
the guinea pig my daughter has in her room.”
The Jewish Tie Salesman
A fleeing Taliban, desperate for water, was plodding through th=
e Afghan desert when he saw something far off in the distance. Hoping to fi=
nd water, he hurried toward the mirage, only to find a little old Jewish ma=
n at a small stand, selling ties. The Taliban asked,
“Do you have water?” 
The Jewish man replied, “I have no water. Would you like t=
o buy a tie? They are only $5.” The Taliban shouted hysterically,
“Idiot infidel! I do not need such an over-priced, western adornment – I sp=
it on your ties. I need water!

“Sorry, I have none – just ties – pure silk – and only $5.”

“Pahh! Allah curse you and your ties, I should wrap one around your scrawny=
neck and choke the life out of you but… I must conserve my energy and fi=
nd water!”

“Okay,” said the old Jewish man, “It does not matter that you do not want t=
o buy a tie from me OR that you hate me, threaten my life and call me infid=
el. I will show you that I am bigger than any of that. If you continue over=
that hill to the east for about two miles, you will find a restaurant. It =
has the finest food and all the ice cold water you need… Go in peace.”
Cursing him, the desperate Taliban staggered away over the hill. Several ho=
urs later he crawled back, almost dead and gasped,

“They won’t let me in without a tie!

Thanks to Jerry for the FUNNY BONE!!!!!!!!!!!=

For God’s Glory Alone In the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, De=
wey Sharon and Family
Visit us today! =


If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link- http://www.fggam.org/donate.html=
 then scroll down the page to securely give =

. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think =
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
ve to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to radiodewey@aol.co=

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