The Rock of Ages: Harmonizing Life’s Lessons Across Time

Tuning into Timeless Wisdom and Family Melodies


Recently, I found myself cruising down the road with my daughter, embarking on one of those spontaneous shopping trips fueled by the urge to splurge. Flipping through radio stations, I stumbled upon a classic rock channel, and the timeless melody of a Bob Dylan tune flooded the car. Unable to resist, I cranked up the volume, unleashing my inner rock star.

I’ll be the first to admit, I can’t belt out tunes like Tina Turner, and my daughter’s no Stevie Nicks either. Nevertheless, as the iconic song began to play, I transformed into an aging rock and roll enthusiast, belting out the lyrics with gusto.  My daughter decided to join in, and together, we harmonized in our own unique and slightly off-key style.

As the final note faded into the air, my daughter hit me with a question that caught me off guard.

“Mom, I’ve always liked that song, but what does it really mean? ‘I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now’ doesn’t make sense.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle. It was one of those moments that highlighted the gaping chasm of the generation gap. With a grin, I assured her that the line holds profound wisdom.

“It means that as you grow older, you realize you don’t have all the answers you thought you did when you were younger.  Remember when you were little, and you thought your parents knew everything? Those endless questions like ‘How high is the moon, Mommy?’ or ‘How does a bird fly?’ 

Sometimes I had the answers, but there were moments when I’d just say, ‘Ask your father.'”

She smiled, reminiscing about those days of childhood curiosity. 

“But then,” I continued, “something peculiar happens around puberty. Young people start to believe they’re experts on everything, and by the time they hit their twenties, their once-wise parents suddenly become the ‘stupidest’ people in the world.”

She laughed in agreement.

 “And then, a remarkable transformation occurs. Somewhere in their thirties or forties, they realize their parents were indeed wise. And finally, in the twilight of life, like I find myself now in my dotage, we grasp the universal truth – we don’t really know as much as we once pretended. It’s a quirk of human nature; the older I get, the more I realize I don’t have all the answers, and now I’m wise enough to admit it.”

My daughter nodded, perhaps recognizing the cycle of life unfolding before her eyes.

“For now, we see only a reflection as in a mirror, then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” 1Corinthians 13:12 NIV

We don’t have to be self-important know-it-alls; it’s about striving towards love. And, well, God loves us, and we’re supposed to love others. Too many people are gods of their own opinions, ready to weigh in on every topic. Instead, we can choose to take life one day at a time, trusting that the good Lord has it all figured out. As the Good Book reminds us:

“Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34 NIV

It is a recipe for a happy life, if you ask me, and a perfect ending to a day spent with my daughter, who seems to grow wiser with each passing year!  Reflecting on this memory, I can’t help but smile, knowing that we share a deep connection.  As they say, ‘Age is just a number,’ but those special moments filled with love and laughter will last forever. 

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GeorgeAnn Dingus
"Southern Grace & Gratitude"- Passionately Pursuing Purpose in Every Chapter of Life. Welcome to my world, where faith, family, and the written word converge into an inspiring tapestry. Originally hailing from Knoxville, Tennessee, I now call Christiana, Tennessee, near Nashville, home. I share this space with my husband and our adorable Chihuahua, Katie. I wear many hats: wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. I have a deep appreciation for nature, savoring the flavors of Southern cuisine, immersing myself in music, indulging in a perfectly brewed cup of coffee, and savoring the joy of laughter. But above all, it is my unwavering passion for Jesus Christ that fuels my life and writing with depth and purpose. Recently retired after years of experience in the corporate world, I've held various management roles, including marketing, fundraising, event management, and public speaking. I take pride in striving to be a servant-leader and have received recognition for my unwavering dedication. My hope is to touch your heart and kindle your soul. Join me on my journey as I share stories inspired by faith, family, laughter, and love. Through my writings, you'll discover enchanting stories of a life well-lived, and perhaps, you'll even find a piece of your own story woven within.


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