The Assignment of Compassion
Colossians 3:12-13 AMP
[12] So, as God’s own chosen people, who are holy [set apart, sanctified for His purpose] and well-beloved [by God Himself], put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience [which has the power to endure whatever injustice or unpleasantness comes, with good temper]; [13] bearing graciously with one another, and willingly forgiving each other if one has a cause for complaint against another; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so should you forgive.
There are so many amazing characteristics of our Lord!
What do you think are the greatest attributes of Jesus? What are His greatest qualities?
What is His defining characteristic?
The first thing that come to my mind is
But love has to start somewhere.
The love of Jesus doesn’t just appear.
There is something about the love of Christ that differentiates Himself from everyone and everything.
The Love of Jesus Christ first starts with compassion.
Mark 6:34 NKJV
[34] And Jesus, when He came out, saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd. So He began to teach them many things.
Not too many speak about compassion. Unfortunately many don’t understand what it actually is.
Compassion is showing sympathy.
It’s having mercy.
Having Compassion is much more than just giving to those in need. We often think that we are helping by meeting a certain need and then move on to the next.
I don’t believe that is compassion.
It is deeper. It is one thing that so many of us lack.
Compassion is being willing to carry the hardships and trials of someone else that can no longer bear it!
Compassion is the ability to feel along with another person, the willingness to actually, wholeheartedly console with the pain of someone’s heart. To offer true comfort. Help support them in times of need.
Then to encourage the broken heart and lost soul with the Words of Eternal love and everlasting life!
How exactly do you represent Him?
We should have enough sympathy in our hearts that stirs us to help those that suffer.
We should see how the free Gift of Salvation has changed our hearts, minds and destination for eternity.
God has given us an amazing gift.
This gift is powerful but most people don’t like to utilize it.
This is the powerful gift of memory!
Where would you be if that one person in your life did NOT have compassion on you!
Please remember where you were before the compassion of that one heart showing the compassion of Christ’s.
One of the attributes of a follower of Christ is to have compassion.
But we don’t.
Because the assignment is so great and so difficult.
Yes, the assignment is The Great Commission.
It is to tell the works of the saving grace of God through the Sacrifice, shed Blood and the Resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ.
But it has to start somewhere.
The assignment is an Assignment of Compassion.
If we do not have any Compassion for the lost soul and broken heart then we fail at the Assignment.
Why does it fail?
Because we can become very prideful.
We can be so judgmental.
We live in a sense of entitlement.
We can develop a heart that is so judgmental that it keeps us from showing the love of Christ.
We have learned how to avoid compassion rather than display it.
We have been called to be a representation of Jesus Christ. How well do you represent Him?
Where would any of us be without the compassion of God?
Not only does He care for us, He suffers with us.
That is what compassion is.
What do you think the first thing God feels towards the hopeless sinner?
What about the backsliding Christian?
Do you realize that the first thing God feels toward sinners isn’t anger?
Of course the heart of God is hurt and offended by our sins.
God is Holy and Just. He wants all to come to repentance.
There is punishment and judgment for the unrepentant sinner!
But none of that changes the fact that the first thing God feels for His lost and suffering children is compassion!
As Jesus bore the sins for all of humanity on the Cross that was the greatest display of compassion that has ever been shown to all of humanity!
We talk a lot about grace and mercy, but grace and mercy would not even be possible if it were not first for the compassion driven by His Eternal love!
Our Salvation in Christ is compassion itself!
It is how the King of Glory sees the lost, lonely, helpless, people.
Where would any of us be without the compassion of God?
We would still be dead in our sins.
Hopeless, condemned men and women.
We would be lost on a path of self destruction!
But God in His deep stirring compassion allows His love, grace and mercy to be showered over every hurt and lost heart and soul!
Are you doing the same?
How are you representing Christ today!
I challenge you today. Examine your life and look to see what is keeping you, distracting you from showing the hurt and lost compassion of Jesus ?
The very moment that we accepted that compassion, we were signed up. We were enlisted into the care and service of the King of Glory.
To represent, to defend and to honor.
If you want to be a soldier in God’s army, start as the Lord started and show the same compassion that He has shown you first before you assume anything else first!
Let us go and serve our King in the same way He has served us!
Put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience!
Pastor Ed