Christians rattle Trump on abortion ahead of GOP convention. Trump is “throwing the pro-life movement under the bus.”

Lila Rose, founder and president of the anti-abortion group Live Action, said the new Republican platform wording represents a "downgrade." But beyond that it has created an awareness about Trump, who she said is "throwing the pro-life movement under the bus."

Photo From Baptist Press. iStock

Put the heat on Trump and the GOP! Playing political football with GOD’S babies! Satanic! So very foolish. Trump and the GOP are trying to get on the throne of God and tell GOD when life begins. Forget about the DEMS they are a lost cause. My goodness,  the GOP sure has become so weak on GOD’S babies since Roe v Wade was overturned. Its an election year, so do anything to get elected! GOD will have the final say on all of us.

If you are a Christian, you should hold Trump and the GOP to a Biblical Worldview.

USA Today Reports:

Lila Rose, founder and president of the anti-abortion group Live Action, said the new Republican platform wording represents a “downgrade.” But beyond that it has created an awareness about Trump, who she said is “throwing the pro-life movement under the bus.” “The people in trenches are unhappy with it,” Rose said. “They don’t want compromise.

“First and foremost, they need to be as loyal to this issue of ending abortion as they are to other issues,” Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life Action, told USA TODAY in an interview Monday. More Here

I am not hearing much from the Christians in New Mexico on this! But then again, New Mexico is the abortion Capitol. So many crickets in this state! Shame.

About 2 years ago a leading GOP legislator told me that he did not think abortion would ever end in New Mexico……..

I wrote this yesterday……..

Both the GOP and DEMS should be ashamed of themselves for playing GOD with His babies! GOD will have the final say on all of us on judgment day. Got Questions states: Judgment Day is the day of God’s final, ultimate judgment on sinful mankind. There are a number of passages in Scripture that refer to the final judgment after death at the end of time when everyone will stand before God and He will render final judgment on their lives. More Here. Abortion is one of the main reasons, if not the top reason, I do not belong to any political party, they try to get on the throne of GOD and rule above GOD. The GOP lacks courage to stand for GOD! What fools! They brag about over turning Roe v Wade, and then this! So very, very foolish. FGGAM stands with GOD not politicians! Will you stand in the gap for God? In the Bible, “standing in the gap” is a metaphor for someone who intercedes for others. The term appears in Ezekiel 22:30, where God says, “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one”. More Here

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