Heartbreak for many. We are praying for Pastor Josiah Anthony and his family and the congregation at this time. We weep for all. We weep for God’s Church. We pray for restoration. Such pain for all. Do you feel it? I do………


Dale Chamberlain

Another North Texas pastor has stepped down amid “events and circumstances.” Cross Timbers Church announced the resignation of senior pastor Josiah Anthony on Sunday.

Cross Timbers Church is located in Argyle, Texas, roughly 30 miles north of Fort Worth. The church’s executive pastor, Byron Copeland, will step in as the church’s interim lead pastor. More Here

WARNING: Many are falling, it is a very, very dangerous time in America. The stress on Pastors is at an all-time high. The stress on the American people is horrible. The country is at civil war and it is going to get worse! This will not be solved by any politician or any political party! JESUS is always the answer, but so many Christians are all tied up in nasty, dirty politics! Politics is the playground of Satan! Some Churches are now identified by their political beleifs rather then there Biblical beleifs. Is it a GOP Church or a DEM Church, horrible stuff! It means disaster. Get out on the street and talk to people! Do not let the media tell you what Americans think! Do not be fooled!


In all my years I have never seen so many Churches in a crisis!

Outreach Magazine

During my career, I’ve dealt with many crisis situations with churches and ministries. Staff members embezzling money, leaders who turn out to be abusers or pedophiles, serial adulterers, lawsuits, outside agitators, incompetence, and much more. Every situation is different, and the goals include healing the hurt, proper reporting to authorities, helping any victim, restoring trust, and keeping the church healthy. Seeking God is critical, but along with that process, there are some immediate practical choices that have to be made. If you’re a church leader, elder, board member, or know someone who is, this is a critical list you should share and keep handy just in case a crisis happens in your church: More Here


  1. It is truly sad that many Christians do not rely on the powers of the Holy Spirit to thwart ,Satan’s ever present evil thoughts and desires to enter into their thinking. Our Father in Heaven, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the only fortification we have. Trust in Him/them. All who stray are not necessarily lost. Pray for them.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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