MORE MORAL FAILURE! New Mexico ranks amongst the top six states in the country for repeat child maltreatment

"Not only are we not improving, we are getting worse in some of those situations," Maralyn Beck, the founder and executive director of New Mexico Child First Network, said. "Just last month, and it was brought up again this morning, that our repeat maltreatment rates for children in the State of New Mexico have worsened." 


Pastor Ed Solis of ReAwaken City Church in Albuquerque: If the truth is not being filtered through the truth of the Gospels can we really call it truth?

Whatever happened to repentance and change of behavior? What ever happened to mourning the death of babies? True repentance is a change of behavior. I do not see it.

I am totally disgusted with New Mexico. Lord have mercy! You think JESUS is happy with us???? Sometimes I feel like the old Maytag repairman or like the lone wolf wolf in the woods. Sharon and I have accepted our assignment from my LORD. We are not part of the Christian clique. I repeat myself in my reports because the message stays the same! Shame on us. What are YOU doing for JESUS and His children? New Mexico, will you ever be good to God’s babies? You kill His babies at record levels through abortion! You allow a very dysfunctional government agency, CYFD to exist! Shame to both the GOP and DEMS and to all people. God will have the final say on all of us.

When I was growing up back in the late 50’s, whenever Dad or Mom said, “Shame on you” it got my attention and I knew I had to change my behavior. I did! I had the best parents ever! Many children here in Mew Mexico and all over the world never get that. The love of Jesus and godly parents is so very, very, precious.

The Church in New Mexico should be in mourning for the way children are treated.

Meanwhile more evil from CYFD in New Mexico…..The state is suffering from a great moral failure…….We cannot treat our children this way….God will have the final say on all of us. Will God say to you, “Why did you not help my children?”

This is the way New Mexico is treating God’s children……..hello Christians!

New Mexico has plenty of prayer rallies, but no repentance, no change of behavior in the state, it just get worse as this report shows…..

More Here


New Mexico ranks amongst the top six states in the country for repeat maltreatment, and a recent report shows that number rose by nearly 15 percent.

“Not only are we not improving, we are getting worse in some of those situations,” Maralyn Beck, the founder and executive director of New Mexico Child First Network, said. “Just last month, and it was brought up again this morning, that our repeat maltreatment rates for children in the State of New Mexico have worsened.” More Here

A GREAT MORAL FAILURE! New Mexico is found to be one of the worst places to live, again and again…….

New Mexico Child First Network

Got Questions: Can you imagine the shame and regret Adam and Eve lived with after their sin? They spoiled the perfect creation God had made. Adam and Eve were in a perfect world, had perfect minds and bodies, and had perfectly close fellowship with God. When they chose to sin against God, all of God’s creation was made subject to sin’s effects, including disease, decay, death, and separation from God for eternity. Every human being afterward was born with a sin nature—the natural inclination to sin. Thankfully, God is sovereign, and He had a plan even then to redeem His world through His Son, Jesus Christ, and give mankind a choice for salvation and eternal life with Him. But Adam and Eve must have lived out their lives on earth with much regret over their loss of innocence and its associated blessings. We know they were ashamed at their nakedness (Genesis 3:10). They must have lived the rest of their lives with regret—after all, they remembered paradise.

World Health Organization on Child Maltreatment

What Does America Need? A George Whitefield & A Great Awakening Revival

What Does The Bible Say About Repentance?

Cliques can be formed when people with a common agenda associate together and don’t allow others to feel part of their group. The Church and politicians sure have cliques. This is a key reason for the failure of both. George Barna: “People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric”

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