The Requirements of Loyalty

Many people prefer not to invest in deep friendships, opting instead for acquaintances that demand little. They can talk about pop culture, movies, and sports but avoid discussing deep concerns. They don’t have to bear anyone else’s burdens or heartbreak.



Pastor Dewey Moede Note: The book of Ruth is the center piece of this message from Charles Stanley! My moms name is Ruth, she now lives in heaven. My mommy taught me so very much about the love of JESUS! Glory! I sure do miss her here on earth!

The Requirements of Loyalty

Deep friendship demands commitment—and results in abundant blessings.

September 16, 2024

Ruth 1:1-22

The Christian life isn’t free of responsibilities. God’s Word is filled with His instructions about how to treat people in our various circles and ways to enrich those relationships by giving of ourselves.

Yet many people prefer not to invest in deep friendships, opting instead for acquaintances that demand little. They can talk about pop culture, movies, and sports but avoid discussing deep concerns. They don’t have to bear anyone else’s burdens or heartbreak. But neither will they learn the joy of expressing care and loyalty. The human heart was created for intimate fellowship—the kind of connectedness that is based on mutual trust and love.

Ruth is an example of this kind of selfless dedication. When her mother-in-law Naomi went through a bitter period of loss and hopelessness, the young widow Ruth chose to stay with the older woman. Though this meant sacrificing the comforts of home and any prospect of marriage to a countryman, she demonstrated absolute allegiance.

Loyalty demands something of us, but too few are willing take on that responsibility. Some hold acquaintances at arm’s length to avoid obligation or inconvenience. But our Father wants His children to stand together in love and encourage one another (John 13:341 Thess. 5:11). Doing so always brings blessings.

Bible in One Year: Daniel 10-12

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