Fox News reports that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed French President Emmanuel Macron and other Western leaders yesterday (10/5/2024), stating that Macron had called for an arms embargo on Israel over its airstrikes against Hamas in Gaza.

Netanyahu stated that “[a]s Israel fights the forces of barbarism led by Iran, all civilized countries should be standing firmly by Israel’s side, yet President Macron and other western leaders are now calling for arms embargoes against Israel.  Shame on them!”

Netanyahu continued, calling their stance a “disgrace,” adding that Israel would win “with or without their support, but their shame will continue long after the war is won.”

The Fox News article may be read in full HERE.

Here is a YouTube video of Netanyahu’s comments, in which he calls President Macron, and other Western leaders, a “disgrace” for supporting arms embargoes against Israel at a time when Israel is fighting a seven-front war on terrorism:

My brothers and sisters, this writer strongly agrees with President Netanyahu.

I recently wrote a FGGAM article HERE discussing the Biden administration’s willingness to share (certain) intelligence and provide (certain) military support and response sufficient to prevent the destruction of Israel; however, President Joe Biden has been intransigently unwilling to take actions that would cause Israel to WIN or PREVAIL as the clear victor – despite Israel facing direct assault not only from Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran (which has already launched two separate missile attacks against the Israeli homeland).

The Biden administration appears more concerned about ‘proportionality’ and the ‘tamping down’ of Israel’s ongoing war at all costs, rather than limiting the damage and loss of life in the long run by clearly seeking victory for the only true democratic ally the United States has in the entire Middle East.  In fact, Biden recently announced publicly that he DOES NOT want Israel to damage or destroy Iran’s nuclear program(s)!

In another recently published FGGAM article HERE, I wrote how impressive and refreshing it was that Prime Minister Netanyahu has shown no wavering in his stated goals to end the scourge of Iranian, Hezbollah and Hamas terrorism upon Israel and its citizens.

Netanyahu’s determination and position stands in contrast to the United States, much of the European Union, the International Criminal Court, and the United Nations, which consistently speak or rule against Israel’s warfighting operations and which desire to impose sanctions or criminal charges against Israel – revealing various degrees of support or ‘understanding’ for the terrorism put forth by Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.

Let’s remember what the bible has to say about the Jewish people and Israel:

Deuteronomy 7:6 (NKJV)
“For you [the Jews] are a holy people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself [emphasis mine], a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth.”

Zechariah 2:8 (Amplified Bible)
“For thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘[a]fter glory He has sent Me against the nations which plunder you—for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye.’”

Praise Jesus forevermore!

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