Commentary: More Americans want the U.S. to stay the course in Ukraine as long as it takes

America must not become isolated from the world. The world is more connected in so many ways than ever before. Study history. Putin must be stopped. Iran must be stopped. Hamas and its satanic partners must be stopped - and the list goes on. NATO is weak! Shame! We are already in WWIII, and there are so many hot spots. America is not fully committed.

Photograph from the war in Ukraine. Woman pleading to God. I weep at this picture. We must help the people of Ukraine more than ever.

I am very saddened that America and NATO do not stand stronger with Ukraine.  Putin must be stopped. Instead of pussy footing around this issue, EVIL PUTIN must be met with force. PUTIN is not going away. Iran must be met with force! Do not be so foolish as to think these threats are going away without force.

Many Americans have become so self absorbed, they only care for their own skin. Many do not know world history. I encourage all to study WWI and WWII. In WWI, President Woodrow Wilson dragged his feet before helping Europe. In WWII, as Europe was being invaded by Hitler, America dragged its feet to help until Pearl Harbor – then all hell broke loose. Remember, you cannot negotiate with the devil.

America must not become isolated from the world. The world is more connected in so many ways than ever before. Study history. Putin must be stopped. Iran must be stopped. Hamas and its satanic partners must be stopped – and the list goes on.

NATO is weak! Shame! We are already in WWIII, and there are so many hot spots. America is not fully committed.  Yes, we have serious problems here at home, but we are America and we can overcome anything when we are fully committed to God. Right now, America also has a God problem, many do not believe in God and many no longer go to Church. The American Church is losing its influence [see more at the bottom of this report].

Our two party political system has gone to hell; both parties stink to high heaven! The DEMS and GOP need a COME TO JESUS MEETING, as does the entire country! I do not trust any political party at this point in my life! I know too much! The last straw for me was, “They are eating their cats and dogs.” REALLY? How stupid to believe that, BUT! many fell for it, hook, line and sinker! I call it the dumbing down of America, which has been going on for over 20 years now!

We need a Great Awakening! It may be coming, or maybe it is here and we are blinded. War is hell. Man has been at war with himself since the start.

World War I Summary

World War II Summary

EXCELLENT MESSAGE BY FGGAM NEWS DIRECTOR Chuck Akeley: The Danger of Proportionalism

From Brookings


United States is in the middle of a heated election season where Republican politicians have been less supportive of backing Ukraine, one might have expected a drop in American public support for Kyiv.

Yet, our new University of Maryland Critical Issues Poll with SSRS shows robust, even increasing, support for Ukraine.

The poll was carried out by SSRS among a sample of 1,510 American adults from their probability-based online panel, in addition to oversamples of 202 Blacks and 200 Hispanics, July 26-August 1, just before the Ukrainian incursion into Russia’s Kursk region. The margin of error is +/- 3.0 %.  Here are some key takeaways. More Here

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