Pastors Remain Opposed, Americans Grow More Open to Political Endorsements in Church

When we walk the streets, or are on the road like in Alaska, we learn that many folks identify a Church by being conservative or Liberal, or very welcoming or hateful.

Photo From Denison Firum. Pastor with hands on pulpit looking out at congregation. By Chris/

First of all, I would like to share with you some advice from College Hall of Fame Basketball Coach John Wooden. Coach Wooden is known as a loving Christian and one of the best ever college basketball coaches. The coach has excellent advice during these very troubling days….

A soft pillow is a clear conscience.

Be true to yourself. 2. Help others. 3. Make each day your masterpiece. 4. Drink deeply from good books, especially the Bible. 5. Make friendship a fine art. 6. Build a shelter against a rainy day. 7. Pray for guidance and count and give thanks for your blessings every.

Many Churches in America have forgotten to build bridges to folks who do not know JESUS! Too many love preaching to the choir! WAKE UP CHURCH! IT IS CALLED THE GREAT COMMISSION!

FGGAM is a non-partisan ministry. We speak to politics through God’s Word, not a political handbook. We use the Bible to preach to the world of politics. I use the Bible to call out bad behavior by politicians and all people. We do not endorse any political party or politician. I learned long ago to vet politicians through the Word of God. Few, if any pass the sniff test. We stand for GOD, not politics. We stand for the Ten Commandments, not a party platform.

When we walk the streets or are on the road like in Alaska, we learn that many folks identify a Church by being conservative or liberal, or very welcoming or hateful.

Hate kills the soul. I am sick and tired of Pastors who speak hate toward people who do not fit in their little box. We all our God’s people. The Church is here to love like Jesus.

When Sharon and I went to Alaska in August, we found why the majority of people we met did not go to Church. The reasons they gave us was the politics, sex abuse, scandals, and gossip in American Churches. I pray more Pastors will get out of their walls and talk to people, real heart to heart talks. There now is a huge gap between many Americans and the Church. It is not only what me and my Dear Sharon witness, it is what we learn from research. George Barna: “People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric”

Lifeway Research found little practice or support among pastors and Americans for political endorsements from clergy and churches.

By Aaron Earls

Few pastors endorse political candidates outside their role at church. Even fewer endorse during a church service. Most Americans like it that way, but they’re growing more supportive of churches jumping into the political fray. The Rest of The Story Here

Church giving is decreasing

George Barna: The U.S. needs a ‘spiritual awakening’ to resolve the pervasive division and polarization that has come to define American politics

Mark Twain said, “The only difference between a Democrat and Republican is the spelling.”

How crazy can it get……..this one pushed me over the cliff, “They are eating their cats and dogs.” How crazy can it get? As Sharon would say, “Don’t ask honey.”

And then when the GOP threw the Pro-life movement under the bus. So now, both parties support the killing of God’s babies.

JESUS is are only hope.

Pastor Tony Tice on Pastors

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