Childlike Dependence



Mark 10:13-16 NKJV

[13] Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. [14] But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. [15] Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” [16] And He took them up in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them.



What does it look like to be a true believer in Jesus Christ? What does it truly take to get to heaven?

You will get many answers.

There are many people that look around to try to find out who they really are. Many will take a lifetime trying to find that one thing they can cling on to to make a profession of identity.

We have a tendency to identify ourselves with things that really have no certain measure.

We identify ourselves by our jobs.

We identify ourselves by those same gifts and talents. We identify with our past. Our failures, our regrets, our shame.

Some identify in their success and victory.

We must always be careful how we use the word “faith”.

We can easily reduce it to just a saying.

It has to be actively trusting in what God has done and what He will do!

Faith is living a life in anticipation!

Faith is also living a life of participation!

We must be constantly reminded of the Goodness and Faithfulness of Jesus Christ!  We must look at how Righteous He is.

And through that Righteousness is the Lord’s perfection. In His perfection He can not lie because He cannot deny Himself!


Look at what God has done! He has revealed Himself to us through His Cross.

He pours mercies from His wounded body.

He shows His love in His Resurrection for those that Repent,believe and follow extending His promises!


But what kind of faith does it take for us to gain this inheritance?


There is only one type of faith that will bring us unto the Throne room of God!

There is only one type of faith accepted by Christ!  But what kind of faith do we exemplify?

Let me ask you this: what type of faith is necessary to get into the Kingdom of God?


We come with empty hands and the Lord receives with open arms!

Nothing to give Him but a childlike faith!

Anything else or anything less is pride.

Why a childlike faith?

It s receiving the Kingdom. Not achieving it.

Not straining to get it. Nothing in our power but to receive it.

The Kingdom of God is not something we can make happen.

There’s dependency.

There’s trust, sincerity, and obedience.

There is an eagerness to stay close, to follow and to learn.

Children mimic what they are taught.

As the children come to Christ they seek nothing but to be in His presence.

They don’t try to make themselves worthy.

No hidden agenda.

Do people “hear” of our faith or do they see it?

Can they look in your eyes and without a shadow of doubt look at you and say “ they believe “! They trust, they follow, they know Who their God is! Are you seen as a true child of God?

The Lord is telling us to follow Him; we must have these childlike qualities.

This is a faith that truly believes in all the promises of God. This is the faith that brings us to the Foot of Christ. But this Saving Grace and Faith brings not only brings to the Cross but it will carry you through the Cross!

We have to reach out our hand to Him in childlike faith and let Him lead and guide.

Childlike faith relies on the Lord’s protection.

Childlike faith finds no comfort except from the arms that have embraced them!

Even in pain and sorrow childlike faith finds comfort. In anxiety and worry they can be calmed. In rejection, shame and guilt it can find purpose.

In weakness,strength. In sin,forgiveness.

In death a new life!

Childlike faith is what it takes to truly follow Jesus Christ!

How else could we call ourselves a child of God?


Romans 8:16-17 NKJV

[16] The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, [17] and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.


There is only One that gives the inheritance, and there’s only one way to receive it!

So many still have a childish approach to the Lord.

Can we come to Him in humility? Can we cry out to Him? Ask Him to save you from the clutches of death.

To ask Him for His mercy on your life.

To be saved by His Grace.

Can we come to the Foot of His Throne and reach out for the Hem of His Garment?

Can you have that childlike faith to put all of your trust, all of you love and every single thing you have in Christ?

To have faith for today and a hope for tomorrow?


Mark 9:36-37 NKJV

[36] Then He took a little child and set him in the midst of them. And when He had taken him in His arms, He said to them, [37] “Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him who sent Me.”


Receive your King with childlike faith!


The Kingdom of Heaven is open to every heart. It is available for every and anyone that will humbly come to the Lord like a child. Powerless and unable to do anything without the help of the Power of Christ.

Will you come to Christ with childlike or childish faith?

Approaching the Lord with anything else or anything less is pride. Don’t let that keep you from the court of Heaven and resting in the Arms of the Savior!



Pastor Ed


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