Oh Lord, We Cry Out To You! Holding Pastors Accountable! Tip leads to arrest of Pastor charged with 100 counts of child porn

Holding Pastors Accountable


The greatest problem America has is following the ways of JESUS!

FGGAM is a Great Commission Ministry spreading the love of JESUS to all!
We are so very grateful to Charles Stanley’s ministry for supplying us with Bibles as we travel carrying out The Great Commission and to our awesome friend Dwight Kastendieck for his handmade crosses! Glory! We also thank our financial supporters who support our efforts for GOD! We are now in our 13th year of serving at For God’s Glory Alone Ministries – FGGAM Would you pray about helping us with a monthly or one time donation? You can give at FGGAM.ORG The donate button is at the top of the website. Love in JESUS to you all!
Sharon and I met Amy in Laramie, Wyoming a year ago so on a Great Commission trip. Amy’s family is growing. Glory to God! We love this family. We love sharing JESUS and carrying out The Great Commission. Here is what Amy wrote on Facebook: Today my little family received this bible in the mail. And I am so excited to get diving into it. Bubba and I have decided that we are going to read a chapter a night.
Thank you Dewey and Sharon! We love you both!

It is all of our fault that we are in the mess………As the Church goes, the country goes……..Let me state again, I am not here to be popular with this world and and wave my ‘pom poms’ on Facebook all the time. We are not cheerleaders, we are planters of seeds for Jesus! I am not hear to be popular in this evil America. We weep for the American Church. I am here to bring you Biblcial truths. We are in very deep trouble with God here in America. I have never seen the Church, as a whole, in such a mess. It breaks my heart! I am here by the calling of my Lord, to shine His light to one person at a time with my wife Sharon. We are here to comfort the inflicted and inflict the comfortable. We have to many Christians that are comfortable in this failure we are going through.

Lord have mercy. I could do a whole website on Church crimes at this point. All this evil is chasing many people away from the American Church. Public Trust of Pastors Hits New Record Low Church attendance is falling in America. Church Attendance Has Declined in Most U.S. When Sharon and I are out on the streets and byways, we hear it often, “I do not go to church anymore, I do not get anything out of it, to much corruption in the Church.” Another thing we hear, “I can worship God in my home.” Then there is this, “The Church has become all about money.” Then this,  “To many sex scandals in the Church, we can worship at home.” Now more than ever this, “To much politics in the Church.” On and on we go in a viscous evil cycle in America. Politics dirties up the Church, more than ever this year! Your chasing people away! There is more damage that you can see from Christians supporting politics who need their mouth washed out with soap.

Sharon and I spent 12 days of fun and ministry in Alaska, we got an ear full I tell you that! We met so many friendly folks. We build bridges of love and trust. We talked to so many unbelievers! We planted so many seeds! GLORY! BUT! We heard the good, the bad and the ugly of the Church from many. I would like to see more Pastors leave their walls and connect with the unbelieving America. The workers a few. According to Barna, just 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview. America is a mission field. We are failing as a country very fast.

The Christian Post

By Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor 

An Arkansas pastor has been arrested on 100 counts related to child pornography after a tip led authorities to investigate.

James Vincent Henry, 43, of Delight, Arkansas, has been taken into custody by Pike County Sheriff’s deputies after special agents with the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force received two cyber tips from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children last month, KARK reported.

Henry is the pastor of Crossroads Assembly of God Church in Delight and has served as a foster parent to 70 children over the years, according to Church Leaders. More Here

Why was Arkansas pastor James Vincent Henry arrested? Charges explored

Dr. Claude Cone: Stay Faithful to the End

Holding Pastors Accountable

George Barna: “People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric”

Tony Tice: We need Pastors who will be humble

Who are you going to share JESUS with today? We get to share JESUS everyday with many, wherever Sharon and I go! Glory! Get out of your comfort zone folks! Do not be bashful, JESUS is not bashful about His love for you! Let people see JESUS in you! Shine your light into a dark world! Plant seeds for JESUS! GLORY! AMEN!

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