Dt. Jim Denison. Credit – The Denison Forum [www.denisonforum.org]
Denison Forum

Dr. Jim Denison

Last year, the FDA approved the first nonprescription daily oral contraceptive. Now the Biden administration is proposing a rule that would make over-the-counter birth control and condoms free for the first time.

In 1960, the FDA approved the first birth control pill, enabling women to have sex with less fear of an unwanted pregnancy. This was an early step in the so-called “sexual revolution.” Others followed:

  • In 1962, Helen Gurley Brown’s book Sex and the Single Girl encouraged single women to be sexually active.
  • Betty Friedan’s book The Feminine Mystique (1963) argued that women should find identity and meaning in their lives apart from their husbands and children.
  • The legalization of abortion in 1973 further enabled women to have sex without having to raise unwanted children.
  • Abortion pills are now widely available as well and are used in more than 60 percent of all abortions.

The first sexual revolution separated sex from marriage. The second sexual revolution is now separating sex from people. The plague of pornography and virtual reality porn is making it easier than ever for people to divorce sex from a physical relationship with others.

As we noted yesterday, medical and technological innovations continue to lower barriers to immorality that have existed for generations. We could try to erect new barriers, such as enacting laws that limit the availability of abortion and installing pornography blockers on our devices. These would be helpful, of course, but human efforts cannot truly change human hearts.

Rick Warren was right: “I want to change my circumstances. God wants to change me.”


“The first godless culture in human history”

English writer Paul Kingsnorth recently published a brilliant analysis explaining how “modernity has descended into a spiritual void.” After charting the path that led us here, he writes that we now “live in a culture without faith.” He explains: More Here

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