Death by proxy? The fall of Assad and collapse of Iran’s regional strategy. How does this affect Israel?

Tolik Piflaks: The collapse of Iran's position in Syria exposed another underlying weakness in Iran's strategic edifice: the religious fault lines within its alliance system.


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All Israel News

Tolik Piflaks

In medicine, there’s a disturbing condition called Munchausen syndrome by proxy (now known as Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another), where a caregiver fabricates or induces illness in their dependents, often to maintain control and validate their role as ‘protector.’

As Iran’s regional strategy unravels in 2024, a striking parallel emerges: Tehran’s relationship with its proxy forces bears an uncanny resemblance to this pathological dynamic.

Like the diagnosed caregiver who creates crises to assert control, Iran has positioned itself as the indispensable protector of various regional forces – from Hezbollah in Lebanon to Assad’s regime in Syria.

The “Ring of Fire” strategy, masterfully crafted by the late Iranian General Qasem Soleimani before his elimination in a U.S. drone strike in January 2020, wasn’t just about the military encirclement of Israel. It was a complex web of manufactured dependencies, where Iran’s ‘protection’ often intensified the very conflicts its proxies faced, creating a cycle of perpetual reliance.

But just as Munchausen by proxy ultimately risks destroying both caregiver and dependent, Iran’s strategy has collapsed dramatically, taking its proxies down with it. The recent fall of the Assad regime, accompanied by the humiliating retreat of Shiite loyalists to Iraq, marks the terminal phase of this pathological relationship. More Here

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