Iran Celebrates: Down With The U.S. And Death To Israel


Iran's leaders adress the crowds in Teheran (Illustrative)Iranian officials led celebrations for the 35th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution on Tuesday, with President Hassan Rouhani giving a thundering speech before a large crowd in Teheran during which he declared sanctions imposed by the international community to dissuade Iran from pursuing its renegade nuclear program as “brutal, illegal and wrong.” As the crowd chanted “Down with the US” and “Death to Israel” Rouhani continued by saying other nations had nothing to fear from the Islamic Republic, which only sought peaceful relations with all its neighbors. Elsewhere, Maj.- Gen. Yahya Rahim Safavi, a senior military aide to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, declared that “the start of war against Iran means the destruction of the Zionist regime by Hezbollah forces of Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah.” Read More 

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