NM Republican Candidate For Senate David Clements Accuses Opponent Alan Weh Of Cheating


David Clements

This is a Press Release FGGAM News just received from David Clements candidate for U.S. Senate:   
Las Cruces, NM – David Clements, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate and former Assistant District Attorney, released a letter he sent to fellow candidate Allen Weh about fraudulent activities that resulted in the election of delegates to the state Republican convention that were not present at the pre-convention meeting and ineligible to be elected as a Delegate.   The state Republican convention will qualify candidates for the June 3rd primary.  Generally, the candidate who prevails at the convention has the advantage heading into the primary election.
Mr. Weh,
I write you today to bring a troubling situation to your attention.   At the Bernalillo County Pre-Convention Meeting, your campaign manager deceitfully provided a list of at-large delegates whom were not in attendance and, according to the rules, ineligible to be considered for election at that time.  However, in the confusion of the meeting, the list of ineligible delegates was accepted without vetting or verification of their attendance.  Bernalillo Republicans who registered, paid, and attended the convention for hours to become delegates were unjustly ousted by your campaign’s list.
After the list was provided, 90 ballots were submitted by your campaign staffers, which tripled the number of persons in attendance during the at-large election, giving the outright appearance of fraud as the rules clearly state proxies are not allowed to submit ballots.  Even more troubling, the Bernalillo Rules Chair observed two of your campaign staffers counting ballots, after the Convention Chair specified that no member of a campaign staff be involved in the counting.
Colonel, upon hearing of this dishonorable behavior, I believe that you would want to join me in asking the New Mexico Republican Party and the Bernalillo County Republican Party to void the list of ineligible delegates.   At this point it may be too late to hold a fair election of eligible delegates per the original rules and intent of the Bernalillo County pre-convention meeting, or restore the rights of those who attended in the hopes of being elected as delegates. Regardless of whether there is a fair remedy, your campaign members’ actions have tainted the integrity of the entire Bernalillo delegation and cast a cloud over the upcoming state primary convention.
While we may disagree on issues throughout this campaign, I could not imagine that you would turn down a chance to stand on the side of truth and honor.  If the roles were reversed, I would appreciate you notifying me of this unethical behavior.  I hope you feel the same way.
Furthermore, I would not presume to tell you how to discipline your campaign manager and the paid Weh Campaign staffers who intentionally broke the rules at the Bernalillo County pre-convention meeting and tarnished an otherwise honorable event.   That is, no doubt, an internal issue for you and your campaign.
Please contact me at *****@*********.com.  We can issue a joint statement to the respective party committees and remedy this despicable act of cheating at once.
Respectfully submitted,
David Clements, Esq.

 Picture is of David Clements

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