Who Needs John Roberts?

Who Needs John Roberts?
by Howard Stansell
He was appointed by George W. Bush, and confirmed by the United States Congress. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts is the highest ranking life time jurist in the country. Anyone living on planet earth at the time had to be stunned by Justice Roberts’ vote that gave us Obamacare. Liberals were ecstatic, conservatives were perplexed,  “independents” either cried or laughed in disbelief while the foolish minded gimme, grabbers got in line (so they thought) to collect their free health care!
Speculation swelled as to what happened. Was Roberts, who is generally considered a conservative, bought off by the liberal, socialist elite, or was he, perhaps, threatened by an administration ruthless in its response to opposition? Was his vote independent of political persuasion? Why did Judge Roberts conveniently leave the country almost immediately following the ruling?
The President, it was thought, needed Judge Roberts in order to  swing the Court in favor of Obama’s Affordable Care Act.
However, Obama has since demonstrated that he doesn’t need Judge Roberts! He doesn’t need Clarence Thomas, Scalia, Breyer, Kennedy, Ginsburg or anybody else. The law, that so stealthily passed, without debate, through Congress and ultimately ended up at the Supreme Court, has become not a law but a flexible weapon in the hands of an imperialistic president who does what he pleases with an arrogant contempt for his triad counterparts. The  rule of law and his personal veracity, it seems, are unimportant as long as he has his “pen and phone!” From same sex marriage to the Dream Act, to a plethora of unilateral egocentric political ploys, Obama and his helpmate (no not Michelle) Eric Holder have hijacked the government. They have ransacked traditional ethics and seek to oppressively control a vulnerable populous.
Escape is improbable. It’s deliverance we need; such as is found, not in any man, but ultimately in the Providential power of the Almighty who has been all but vanquished from life in America. We must choose, and quickly, what we will have. Will it be the Republic the framers gave us, founded on a Godly appetite for Life and Liberty, or will it be the inevitable opposite? He who the Son sets free is free indeed! That’s what we need! That’s Who we need! Let us continue to pray fervently for our leaders, for our country and for each other.

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