White House holds secret Benghazi Press Briefing


jay carney

Jay Carney White House Press Secretary

The White House found itself with another press corps controversy on its hands on Friday, after it emerged that it held a secret briefing about the Benghazi attacks with a select group of White House reporters.


Spokesperson Jay Carney was initially supposed to hold a briefing at 12:30 PM on Friday. However, ABC’s Jon Karl threw a wrench in that plan when he reported that the State Department had been involved in lengthy revisions of CIA talking points about the attacks.


All of a sudden, the press briefing was pushed back to 1:45 PM. Then, Politico reportedthat the White House had held a secret briefing about the Benghazi developments with reporters. The site reported that, while the contents of the briefing were on “deep background,” meaning that they could be used as background information in reporting, the existence of the meeting itself was off the record.


However, not all reporters were invited to the briefing. White House journalists havecomplained many times in the past about their level of access to administration officials.



  1. It is almost surreal that our government has no accountability to the people who elect them, and that we who elect them (self included) sit on our hands and believe there is nothing we can do. When In reality if we called “this meeting” to order, I know in my heart it would be well attended.

  2. Just as our population does not pay attention to GOD, they are not paying attention to our own government that they elect when they elect without REALLY listening to what is occurring and getting themselves properly informed. Benghazi, govt gun running to Mexico responsible for 100’s of murders, IRS intimidation, forced purchase of obamacare; and on and on and on. We’re closer to a dictatorship in this country than we ever have been before. America, you’d better wake up, pay attention & get GOD back in our schools, government and our very own lives! I pray for us all!!!
    rick stambaugh

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