Missouri Soul Food, Part 3 of What God Showed Me On My Travels


MissouriDear family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

How are you this day?

We pray that you and yours are close to God.

Today I want to share with you Part 3 of what God showed me on my travels, but first……..

Yesterday we posted “God Hates Cowards” What my point was in taking that and posting Franklin Graham’s comments he made to Pastors with also posting the story about the Sudanese women who would not denounce her Christian faith, was that we need not be fearful with the Lord by our side, He stands with us, as we stand for Biblical principles.

I did not mean to say that God hates anybody……..as my Dear friend Rene Dokken stated to me, “God hates sin not sinners or saints who sin. God hates cowardly behavior because it shows lack of trust in Him.

Rene stated it in a better way than I did!

We must be bold in standing in the gap for God here on earth. We have God at our Side, Just think and read again the story of David and Goliath.

For years I have been calling for Pastors to be BOLD in our LORD from the pulpit. By the way, Pastors should always remember that the Pulpit does not belong to them, it belongs to God.

  • 1 Chronicles 16:11

    Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually!
  • 1 Corinthians 1:25-26

    For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.  For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth.

I want to share with you another story from my travels…….


Stopped in a small town in Missouri off the interstate, I was shaking a bit, tired and hungry. Remember that I was traveling alone, but I was not really, i had the Lord with me. Anyhow I walked into the gas station/restaurant and the man at the counter said, “I believe we have what you need over their in the restaurant, they have some comfort food for you.” He said that like he was expecting me. I saw from his name tag his name was Tom. As I walked into the adjoining restaurant I could sense “home cooking” Michelle greeted me as I walked in, she sat me down…..she said I am here to help you! This is all God! Amen! She brought me a bowl of homemade chili (It was what I call Midwest Chili, reminded me of Mom’s) It was AWESOME! She brought me a hamburger, it was like beef off the farm! Amen! As I was finishing my meal she sat down with me and started to tell me a story. She did not know me from Adam, I did not tell her I was a Pastor. Michelle said, “I have to tell you that in January I was baptized. I was living in sin, I was drinking a lot, I was in what I called my best relationship ever! I loved my boyfriend. All of a sudden right after Christmas the Lord came to me and showed me I must give up my ways to become closer to Him. I gave up my boyfriend, as he just wanted sex, I gave up drinking, I then was baptized. I now know my best relationship is with the Lord. I was just at the bar I used to drink at, I wore my hat that says, ” I love Jesus”, and I drink water and tell all the bar patrons about why I love Jesus Christ.

WOW! WOW! WEE! What a testimony by Michelle. I have her mailing address and Sharon just sent her Charles Stanley’s book on the Holy Spirit. You see my friends, no matter where you are at today, God can save you from booze, from bad sexual behavior, no matter what you are facing, God can and  will save you if you accept Him, like Michelle has.

I am here to tell you if you have sin in your life, like Michelle had, I like I had at  one time, God has a target on it! Watch out, He is zeroed in on that sin and will blow it up!

God rid Michelle of that man, of that booze, and other sin.

There are many stories like Michelle’s across America, many! I have more to share with you! Let us pray for America…..I love people and I love America.

I am in AWE that God had me stop at the gas station/restaurant, He directed me there and to Tom and Michelle and the comfort food, which turned out to be SOUL FOOD! AMEN!

I pray that this story inspires you in our Lord!

My friends, please do me a favor and read this testimony about FGGAM:

Dr. Steve Hopkins: Everyday Heroes

Also please enjoy this video!

For Those Of Us Over 50: “Green Side Of The Grass”

For God’s Glory Alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ,, Dewey Sharon, Family, FGGAM Team

Let us keep praying for each other and our families.


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