Dedication and Loyalty


michaelangeloCreationofAdam“So fear the Lord and serve him wholeheartedly. Put away forever the idols your ancestors worshiped when they lived beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord alone. 15 But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” – Joshua 24:14-15

These words from Joshua speak of his own dedication and loyalty to God as he prepared to take the nation of Israel across the Jordan River into the “Promised Land.” What an example for us to follow. The words “dedication” and “loyalty.” are almost foreign to our culture today and in danger of becoming extinct. Dedication speaks of commitment and loyalty speaks of the longevity of that commitment. Both are directed to a cause or something that we really believe in. Dedication to God and our loyalty to Him, is one the best causes that I can think of.

Gary Inrig, in his book, A Call To Excellence, tells the story of Bertoldo de Giovanni who was the teacher of Michelangelo, the greatest sculptor of all time. Michelangelo was only 14 years old when he came to Bertoldo, but it was already obvious that he was enormously gifted. Bertoldo was wise enough to realize that gifted people are often tempted to coast rather than to grow, and therefore he kept trying to pressure his young prodigy to work seriously at his art. One day he came into the studio to find Michelangelo toying with a piece of sculpture far beneath his abilities. Bertoldo grabbed a hammer, stomped across the room, and smashed the work into tiny pieces, shouting this unforgettable message, “Michelangelo, talent is cheap; dedication is costly!”

The people of Israel would soon find out that dedication and loyalty to God would be costly. Many would die in the process. But dedication and loyalty always involve choices. We make those choices every day. Are we going to serve God today or not? Are we going to love Him today or because of the press of daily responsibilities and activities, forget Him until tomorrow? Are we going to be a Christian who is a follower of Christ, every day of the week, or just on Sundays?

If we’re serious followers of Christ, count on God, as Bertoldo did to Michaelangelo, who toyed with his talent, to smash our works as well, until they live up to the talent our Lord has given us in our Lord Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.

“Choose today whom you will serve” is our daily challenge. May our answer always be, “We will serve the Lord.” Maranatha!

Pastor Don

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