IDF Official: “Focus On Hamas Has Reached Logical Conclusion”


IDF soldiers search for abducted teenagers (IDF Spokesperson's Office)Israeli security forces searching for kidnapped teenagers Naftali Fraenkel, Gil- Ad Shaer, and Eyal Yifrah arrested several more suspects in raids early Tuesday morning, bringing the total number of those detained to 354, including 269 members of the Islamist terror militia Hamas. “The operation against Hamas wasn’t born with the kidnapping, and won’t end when we find the abducted teenagers,” an IDF official said. “This is a focused effort, one which has reached exhaustion. This isn’t a punishment against the Palestinian people in any way. There’s no point doing this [the raids] again and coming up with nothing. There are consequences to these operations, which touch on the standing of [PA Authority President] Abu Mazen, the PA’s security forces, the fact that Ramadan is coming up, and the Gazan arena. There are many changing variables.” Read More

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