Cruelty of Illegal Immigration Exposed by Derailment of Death Train in Mexico


A false argument is being made about the compassion of the Obama administration’s open boarder policy. The argument goes that any attempt to control people from illegally crossing the border is unkind and unChristian. However, such thinking leads to the worst kind of cruelty.

President Obama has intentionally communicated to all points south that if you come to America you will not be refused, but accepted and rewarded. It has been proven to be true.

Why is such an open boarder policy evil rather than good? Case in point, the death train known as “the Beast”.

The Beast Death Train in MexicoA cargo train used by Mexicans and Central Americans to travel toward the U.S. border derailed in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca on Wednesday, stranding about 1,300 migrants, emergency services said.

As Breitbart Texas has reported, “children who travel via Death Train must jump onto a moving freight car” and “minors who cannot successfully pull themselves onto the traveling cars fall onto the tracks” and “many are left with extreme injuries,” like losing arms and legs.

There’s a network of freight trains that runs the length of Mexico, from its southernmost border with Guatemala north to the United States. In addition to grain, corn or scrap metal, these trains are carrying an increasing number of illegal immigrants whose aim is to cross into the U.S.

These aren’t passenger trains; there are no panoramic windows, seats or even a roof to guard from sun or rain. People call the train La Bestia, or The Beast. Some call it the Death Train.

It’s estimated that up to a half-million migrants now ride The Beast each year, sitting back-to-back along the spine of the train cars, trying not to get knocked off their rooftop perch.

the beastMany Beast riders have suffered physical injury or death falling off the train or getting sucked into the wheels trying to board it in motion. In some areas, that’s the only way on.

The sea of humanity hoping to escape central American countries already ravished by socialism and lawlessness are hoping for a better life in the United States. Little do they realize that they are helping speed the fundamental transformation of the US by way of lawless immigration that does not ask for a buy into the American dream.

What on the surface appears to be compassion is nothing but more cruelty as women and children are being maimed, raped and killed.

At least 57,000 illegal immigrant children have crossed the border since October of last year, and federal officials expect at least 150,000 more to do so next year. The number of illegal immigrant children unlawfully entering the country has spiked since Obama unilaterally enacted his temporary amnesty act in 2012.


  1. As an independent voter with no party affiliation, there is PLENTY I can always find to disagree with the Democrats on, including parts of their immigration policy. One can do this stating documented facts which can be looked up and verified by the reader. There is no need to inject lies or to stretch the truth yet that’s what this article does. Its been a LONG TIME since Obama was president and I just came across this. The lies from right wing media have gotten far worse such that a majority of Republicans now believe Trump in his assertion that millions of votes were manipulated somehow to deny him a victory. Shame on the media for putting their commercial interests in attracting viewers/readers who only want to hear a particular viewpoint vs. telling the truth and protecting our republic. This is exactly what happens in N. Korea!

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