Grace and Peace to you from Hope in Today Ministries! This is Karen Rowe and I have a story to tell; and a message to share about God’s love with you! I hope this is a blessing to your Thanksgiving-time heart!
Let us begin with Prayer. Dear Father, I thank you for this time that I write with you and listen to your voice whisper these words inside me. I pray that the readers know this love is for them –and all who will believe. Bring understanding to those who are seeking you through the knowledge of your Son, Jesus; and Wisdom to those who know you. Thank you that you are God and thank you for loving me enough to send your Son to save me. I pray that your love reflects well and that your glory is seen and experienced through the pages that are viewed. In Jesus precious Name I pray. Amen.
I teach the 4th grade Good News Club Class in Public school –this alone is a miracle from God! But in everything we should give thanks to the Lord! In everything, doesn’t something usually come up to distract us from our grateful heart?
What are some things this Thanksgiving time that could make you feel a certain way?
What could possibly be less than you hope for, or expect?
I mean like, what could make you feel less than thankful –and even tempt you to behave that way?
Dear friends, can I tell you that that the only stable to thankfulness is the peace that can only be found through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
How? A grateful heart is found by the action and choice of our heart looking up to God through the blood of Jesus with a grateful heart for all the Christ Jesus has done for all who will believe!
During Bible Club time, we introduced “Bible Bucks” as a method of rewarding good behavior! After much prayer, I asked, “What is the maximum that I can give each child to stay in range of the pricing and prizes at the ‘Prize store’?” After careful placement of each child’s Bible Bucks, I made certain that EACH child received the same no matter what they had done, or not done –and no matter how long they had come! God loves purely; and my only goal was to make each child feel special and worth the same!
As I gave out the Bible Bucks –I was shocked that the kids automatically thought that I had cheated them! I had taken their small bills and added them up to more –but it reflected in few bills that were worth more!
Now, I had just finished assuring them that I had increased their “loot” and –had in fact given them each the maximum allowed ($35) from the Bible Buck’s store; when someone caught wind that another group just got $50! All thankful hearts went right down the tube to a place that they were not content or grateful with what they had just received –all FOCUS was on that someone else got FIFTY BUCKS!
Now, I had umpteen little eyes looking up at me begging, “So do we get ‘Fifty Bucks’ too?”!!! Expecting everything they thought they deserved –which was all that another had!
Okay, I admit; at first I didn’t know what to do about this little impromptu! So, I did what any lost person should do, I asked the advice of two people I trusted! They smiled in acknowledgement of this difficulty that had just arose like a weed will sprout in your beautiful garden overnight –and they gave the same wonderful and good advice; which I gratefully received!
Their advice was good, righteous and complete –most of all, simple and Godly in that tricky moment: “Tell them to be grateful for what they have!”
At first the kids were like anyone would expect when you brought back unproductive news to meet the expectations of selfish demands –but then I gathered them in close for a Thanksgiving story!
The Story goes like this:
There was a man who owned a Vineyard. He went out to find some men to work and they agreed on a certain amount. Then, a while later, the man went out to find some more men to work in his vineyard; and they also agreed to work for this same amount. Towards the end of the day, this man hired more men to work. Then, the man brought the last workers into the field to work for the last few hours –for the same pay as of those who had worked all day.
At the end of the day, this man did the right thing. He paid his workers what he promised them! One by one, the workers were paid –But, he paid the workers that arrived last –first! When the workers who had worked all day reached this man to receive their pay, they expected more –based on what the ‘short hire’ workers were paid. However, they received the same –no more; and no less than the agreement at the beginning of the day. These workers become angry!
Now, I ask you, “Were they grateful?”
The children said, “No”. I said, “Well then –Why are you not happy with your gift from today? Go and enjoy what you have!”
Why am I sharing this short story with you today?
The answer is that when things go different than we expect, it can take the drive out of our grateful human nature heart –that place in Christ we can be filled supernaturally with peace and joy! Grateful hearts joined together makes the light of Jesus flow –but when things go wrong; it becomes, “As far as it depends on me”!
Please, please remember this! God loves you! And, Jesus died to save you from the sinful and selfish nature that you were born into this world with –we all were! It is a job and a privilege to remain thankful in all things!
Look up and thank the Lord –and experience the difference that, remembering what the Lord has done, will make in your life each day; including Thanksgiving Day!
I hope this is a blessing to you! I hope this a reminder of you that you are immensely and incredibly valuable to God –Now, I just gave you the #1 thing that we all have in common to be grateful for: The Love of Christ; and the family that Jesus has made us to be!
The home of God is love; I hope this brought a bit of home to your day! Happy Thanksgiving brothers and sisters in Christ!
And, if you don’t know you belong to God’s family –you are invited through Jesus the Christ, the Son of the Living God! Talk to God today and listen to Him tell you about His Son!
Bible reading today: Ephesians 2:8-9
Love in Christ,
Karen Rowe
Hope in Today Ministries
If you have questions about Jesus or God’s love for you; or need prayer, write me: or call 919-357-5154 (leave a message and I will pray; and Lord willing, return your call as the good Lord enables)
Final thought from Karen:
Don’t ever get caught up in the world’s traditions to meet your needs! It is all about God’s Grace! Grace is a gift that we didn’t deserve! A Gift of God –Grace is what we have; and enough to be grateful for.
The giving in Thanksgiving … AWE: We are blessed to be a blessing! And, this is why I share in the love, and by the grace of God –because God 1st gives to me; or else I’d have nothing to share …It all begins with a grateful heart of what Jesus has done for me and you.
Happy Thanksgiving! Jesus is the reason for a thankful heart in all seasons!
I really believe God loves you! Do you?