Despite Threats Piedmont, Alabama Parade Keeps “Christ in Christmas”


Christmas ParadeVideo report: Great inspiration for all of us out of Piedmont, Alabama! A parade without violence! And foolish people try and stop it! Being bold for Jesus Christ! Amen! Having fun in our Lord! Celebrating HIS birth! Amen! Hundreds of participants in the Piedmont Christmas Parade carried signs showing their religion. I pray that there are parades like this in every American city and town next year! Amen!

Parade organizers canceled the planned “Keep Christ in Christmas” theme, but the people of Piedmont put a big emphasis on their Christian faith and proclamations of Jesus as the reason for the Christmas season.

“If we stick together like this, all the good Christian people will stick together and lift up the name of Jesus Christ, and not let these athiests and the non-believers scare us like they do, it will be a better world,” attendee Harold Martin said.

Piedmont parade unofficially ‘Keeps Christ in Christmas’ –…

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