New Mexico Rally for Life

Did you know that New Mexico is one of a handful of states that allows abortion until the very day of birth, and has become home to the largest late-term abortion facility in the country?! 

And, New Mexico is one of only 12 states, where a minor girl can undergo an abortion, an invasive surgical procedure, without her parents knowledge.


Additionally, there is no penalty for a rapist, abusive husband or parent who forces or coerces a woman or girl to have an abortion against her will. Where is the justice for these women?


That is why we “RALLY.”


Show your support this year by attending the 2015 New Mexico Rally for Life on Jan. 21st. at the State Capital.  We are asking attendees to show solidarity with this cause by wearing aLIGHT BLUE top to the Rally. We will also have a limited number of NM Rally for Life sweatshirts available the day of the event.  Stay tuned for more details.


The New Mexico Rally for Life, also known as Sanctity of Life Day, is an opportunity for New Mexicans from all walks of life from every corner of the state to rally at the state Capitol to show our elected officials that New Mexican’s are pro-life and to call for reasonable restrictions on abortions to protect women and children.


Please join us and spread the word to your family and friends. “Like” New Mexico Rally for Life on Facebook and visit for more information.




NM Rally for Life Team


The New Mexico Rally for Life is sponsored by Project Defending Life (PDL), Albuquerque’s pregnancy resource center located next to Planned Parenthood’s abortion center. PDL offers a variety of life saving services to mothers in crisis pregnancies.  Rally for life

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