Europe’s Jihad Problem

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Europe’s Jihad Problem!
The year 2015 has started out with a deadly string of Muslim terror attacks all around the world. At the same time as the shocking jihad attacks in Paris in January which killed 17 people, Boko Haram slaughtered some 2,000 Christians in one single village in northern Nigeria. Dozens of Egyptian troops have been killed in Sinai in recent weeks by an offshoot of the Islamic State terror militia. And the list goes on and on. Still, the media focus has remained on the growing threat of home-grown jihadists in France and across Europe. The continent’s Jewish communities feel especially vulnerable, and armed guards have been posted outside synagogues and other Jewish buildings. Yet even these soldiers have come under attack by Muslim militants determined to spread fear and carnage. So just how serious is the jihadist threat in France and across Europe? Were the recent Paris terror attacks a turning point for the way European leaders are confronting this threat? Are there really Muslim-run “no-go zones” in France and other countries? And can the spread of radical Islam in Europe be reversed? Europe’s Jihad Problem! That’s our focus this week here on Front Page Jerusalem. We’ll look at the recent terror attacks in France and how they are impacting the way Europe deals with radical Muslim jihadists. Our guest analyst will be noted British author and commentator Melanie Phillips.

Airing the weekend of February 14, 2015

Available on WWW.FRONTPAGEJERUSALEM.COM on Monday, February 16, 2015

Program Features
On today’s program we’re looking at the recent Muslim terror attacks in Paris and the growing threat of home-grown jihadists all across Europe. How have European leaders responded, and can they bring this threat under control? Our guest analyst this week isMelanie Phillips, a noted British author and conservative commentator. She writes columns regularly for The Times of London, The Jerusalem Post and other major papers. So let’s go over to Jerusalem where Front Page producer David Parsons sat down this week with

today’s guest…
ICEJ Report

We will also hear about the Christian Embassy’s recent efforts to bring Jews home to Israel from trouble spots in France and Ukraine. Find out what Christians like you can do to help?

Join hosts Earl Cox, Ben Kinchlow and David Parsons for this week’s Front Page Jerusalem, on a radio station near you or visit our website to download the MP3 and to subscribe to program podcasts


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Inside the Israeli Elections!
Israel is in the midst of another heated election season, with voting now only one month away. The party slates are set but the issues that will sway voters are just starting to crystallize. Some see it as a referendum on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his foreign policy moves over recent years. But surprisingly, most Israelis view this as a ballot over domestic concerns, and especially socio-economic issues. Now most of us outside Israel think voters there would give priority to the nation’s many steep security and diplomatic challenges. And if that were true, Netanyahu’s vast experience on these matters would seem to give him an advantage. But polls show this is a very close race and that the economy trumps all. Israelis, it turns out, also vote their pocket books! So just what issues are dominating the Israeli election campaign? Are voters more focused on the Palestinian conflict and the Iranian nuclear threat? Or are they more interested in economic issues like soaring food prices and the high costs of housing? And who has the best answers for solving these problems? Inside the Israeli Elections! That’s our focus next week here on Front Page Jerusalem. We’ll take you into the thick of the current campaign in Israel as candidates from four of the main parties engage in a heated election debate. We’ll hear from representatives of the Likud, Labor, Yesh Atid and Koolanu parties on the hot topics this election – including the big question of whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should go to Washington to deliver that controversial speech on Iran before a joint session of Congress.

Airing the weekend of February 21, 2015

Available on WWW.FRONTPAGEJERUSALEM.COM on Monday, February 23, 2015

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