Puting up the Flag……..a great video



My thanks to my Dear friend Frank Haley for sending this to us! I cried as I watched this..my birthday is July 4th, I have such a love for my Lord, family and Country. As I was watching this I remember how my Grandparents, my Mom and Dad taught us kid’s, love of God, Family and Country. I miss the fire engine parades back home growing up!  Once again Frank, thanks for sharing! here is his note:  This is nice!  A friend shared it with me; I’m sharing it with you to give you something to think on as we get close to the Fourth of July and our 237 birthday! Maybe you have some other reason that you have for “Putting up the Flag!” Click on the link below and enjoy!https://puttinguptheflag.com/



  1. Great video. My favorite line, “I’m putting up the flag, because I can.”

    I think those words capture the reward of being free in this nation.

  2. Thanks Dewie. Jim Pidcock, former GM at KOB AM radio sent that to me. I’m running it in the 8pm news tonite and at 8am tomorrow on KKIM. Happy Birthday. I’ll have my flag up tomorrow. Frank Haley cjf

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