Say What? U.S. Experts Say Cholesterol is No Longer a Concern? What??


I’m shaking my head at this, I have had to watch my cholesterol all my life. When I asked my lovely wife Sharon, an RN about this she just shook her head…more later she had to go to a conference. Is this the newest fad? I will ask Dr. Joe Fawcett to give us the TRUTH! I am sure in the next few days he will post on this. But I wanted to pass this along to you so you would know what is floating around out there in this world we live in. I really don’t want the government telling me how to take care of myself. Food groceries A warning against eating foods high in cholesterol is no longer included in the US government’s draft dietary guidelines for Americans, representing a major shift in policy, officials said Thursday. The guidelines do not become official right away.

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