A new Rasmussen poll indicates that fewer voters than ever are calling themselves pro-choice, and the gap between pro-choice and pro-life voters is the narrowest it has been.
The survey of 1,000 likely voters finds that 46 percent of those polled now consider themselves to be pro-choice, the lowest outcome in three years of regular polling.
Results indicate that 43 percent say they are pro-life, which matches the highest outcome to date. Eleven percent say they are undecided.
Similarly, a recent Gallup poll indicates that more Americans regard themselves as pro-life than pro-choice. That survey found that 48 percent of Americans say they are pro-life, while 45 percent say they are pro-choice.
The Weekly Standard’s analysis of the poll also demonstrates that opposition to abortion is clearly on the rise, as, just ten years ago, those percentages were flipped. In the mid-1990’s, those who considered themselves pro-choice outnumbered those who said they were pro-life by about 20 percentage points.
I just got done taping a segment of Dewey and Friends which airs Saturday night on KAZQ CH 32 at 7:30pm and my guests are Bud and Tara Shaver of Prayer and a Pro-life Witness. We talk about this very subject! Tara and Bud have a major effort going on in collecting signatures in the City of Albuquerque to stop late term abortions, to find out more on this movement to collect signatures and to get this anti-abortion law on the Albuquerque City ballot in October click here: https://prolifewitness.org/
I pray you go to Bud and Tara’s website and print out the petition and bring it to your Church for folks to sign!
Now for more on this new Poll on abortion click here: https://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/07/09/Polls-Show-Marked-Shift-From-Pro-Choice-To-Pro-Life
Please pray for Bud and Tara Shaver as they stand in the gap for God on the sanctity of life.
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